[OOD-users] Open OnDemand community survey

Chalker, Alan alanc at osc.edu
Tue Mar 26 13:40:28 EDT 2019

Open OnDemand community members:

As you are likely aware, the Open OnDemand team recently started 'Phase 2' of the project with a new 5 year long NSF award.  A big component of that is to understand the views and needs of our existing community.  To that end, we've got a very short survey (only 8 questions!) we'd really appreciate you filling out here: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7aIt8srjHmHzLc9

To be explicit, the purpose of this survey is to:
1. Get a feeling of how our users benchmark us today with the idea that we will ask again and hopefully see improvement
2. Get ideas on what users see as possible improvements in the existing interface
3. Get ideas for extensions of the interface


Alan Chalker, Ph.D.
alanc at osc.edu<mailto:alanc at osc.edu>

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