[OOD-users] Please let us know if you are using / evaluating Open OnDemand

Chalker, Alan alanc at osc.edu
Fri Apr 12 14:55:04 EDT 2019

Open OnDemand community:

We are getting ready to do our annual report to the NSF about the Open OnDemand project.  As part of that, it's helpful for us to report as accurately on our community.  We keep a list of organizations that are either using OOD in production, in process of installing, or just generally interested on our website and in figshare here: https://figshare.com/articles/Organizations_Interested_in_Open_OnDemand/6890636  I'd appreciate it if you can verify your organization is included and in the correct category.  If not, please let me know.

Alan Chalker, Ph.D.
alanc at osc.edu<mailto:alanc at osc.edu>

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