[OOD-users] Interactive desktop question

Martin Cuma martin.cuma at utah.edu
Fri Jun 29 13:24:02 EDT 2018


we are adding our new cluster to our OOD instance (running version 1.3), 
and, we're not having luck getting the interactive desktop running, while 
in our older clusters this works fine.

The job gets submitted, VNC session gets created, I can run vncviewer on 
another machine to connect to it, but, it's not relayed to the OOD 
webserver (VNC in the OOD browser window says "Failed to connec to 
server". The settings are the same between the two clusters, the logs 
look more-less the same (output.log, vnc.log in the 
.../bc_desktop/.../output directory).

The compute nodes on these two clusters should run essentially the same OS 
images, and there are no firewalls on the compute nodes.

We followed https://github.com/novnc/noVNC/wiki/Troubleshooting to see 
what the browser returns, and, for the session with the error we see:

connecting to 
app.js:9485 WebSocket connection to 
failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
open @ app.js:9485
app.js:6464 WebSocket on-error event
(anonymous) @ app.js:6464
error (async)
open @ app.js:9503
_connect @ app.js:6641
_updateConnectionState @ app.js:6879
setTimeout (async)
RFB @ app.js:6469
connect @ app.js:1151
start @ app.js:308
initSettings @ app.js:1939
load @ app.js:256
app.js:6917 Failed when connecting: Connection closed (code: 1006)
_fail @ app.js:6917

Can someone please try to decipher this error message and/or have any 
suggestions what else we can look at?

Martin Cuma
Center for High Performance Computing
Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Utah

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