[OOD-users] Can't connect to Desktop VNC

Franz, Eric efranz at osc.edu
Fri Dec 14 16:27:45 EST 2018

John / griznog,

Glad you found OnDemand! Sorry you are running into issues with noVNC.

In addition to the Apache logs, you can also check the output of the job itself.

On the webform for submitting an interactive app at the bottom under the Launch button there should be a link to the “data root directory”. Job data will appear under here in the output/ directory. The directory names are currently UUID generated, since the staging occurs prior to the job starting.

Also, when launching the job, the Interactive Session card contains a “Session ID” which is that UUID. It is also a hyperlink. You can click it and it will open the Files app in a new tab to that directory.

Two common problems to look for:

  1.  The launching of the interactive app fails, for whatever reason, prior to noVNC being able to connect. Hopefully you will see this by inspecting the job’s log files
  2.  The compute node does not accept HTTP requests from the web node on the port the app is listening on, perhaps because iptables on the compute node have not been properly modified.

I opened an issue https://github.com/OSC/ood-dashboard/issues/429 to track making it easier to debug these common edge cases.

Hope that helps. Please let us know if you still run into issues.


Eric Franz, Senior Web & Interface App Engineer
Ohio Supercomputer Center
An Ohio Technology Consortium (OH-TECH) Member
1224 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212
email: efranz at osc.edu

From: OOD-users <ood-users-bounces+efranz=osc.edu at lists.osc.edu> on behalf of John Hanks via OOD-users <ood-users at lists.osc.edu>
Reply-To: John Hanks <griznog at gmail.com>, User support mailing list for Open OnDemand <ood-users at lists.osc.edu>
Date: Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 5:20 PM
To: "ood-users at lists.osc.edu" <ood-users at lists.osc.edu>
Subject: [OOD-users] Can't connect to Desktop VNC


I'm setting up ood for the first time and everything works great (ood is pretty awesome) except I can't connect to my VNC sessions. The job submission works, VNC starts (and I can connect to it directly on 5901), websockify starts and is listening on it's port but noVNC doesn't connect and in the httpd access log I see: - - [13/Dec/2018:14:09:35 -0800] "GET /rnode/dper7425-srcf-d10-37/12618/websockify HTTP/1.1" 404 241 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.80 Safari/537.36"

I changed the settings in the noVNC web app to Logging:debug, but it's not really clear where that output (if it exists) is going.

Any pointers to where to go next to debug this are appreciated.


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