[OOD-users] Getting started with OOD

Kevin M. Hildebrand kevin at umd.edu
Wed Aug 1 15:41:03 EDT 2018

Hello, I've just done an initial install of OOD, and for the most
part, I have it working.

However, when running a interactive desktop, I'm getting an error when
I click on the 'My Interactive Sessions' button on the dashboard.

I'm seeing an 'Internal Server Error' with text that starts with:

#<ActionView::Template::Error: (<unknown>): invalid trailing UTF-8
octet at line 1 column 1>

/opt/rh/rh-ruby22/root/usr/share/ruby/psych.rb:370:in `parse'
/opt/rh/rh-ruby22/root/usr/share/ruby/psych.rb:370:in `parse_stream'
/opt/rh/rh-ruby22/root/usr/share/ruby/psych.rb:318:in `parse'
/opt/rh/rh-ruby22/root/usr/share/ruby/psych.rb:284:in `safe_load'
....  and many more lines.

In my PUN error log file, I'm seeing similar-
App 9021 stdout: [2018-08-01 15:31:28 -0400 ]  INFO "execve =
[{\"SLURM_CONF\"=>\"/etc/slurm/slurm.conf\"}, \"/usr/bin/squeue\",
\"--all\", \"--states=all\", \"--noconvert\", \"-o\",
\"-j\", \"190\"]"
App 9021 stdout: [2018-08-01 15:31:28 -0400 ]  INFO "method=GET
path=/pun/sys/dashboard/batch_connect/sessions format=html
controller=BatchConnect::SessionsController action=index status=500
error='ActionView::Template::Error: (<unknown>): invalid trailing
UTF-8 octet at line 1 column 1' duration=35.72 view=0.00"
App 9021 stdout: [2018-08-01 15:31:28 -0400 ] FATAL
"ActionView::Template::Error ((<unknown>): invalid trailing UTF-8
octet at line 1 column 1):\n    1: <%= session_panel session do %>\n
 2:   <%= session_view session do %>\n    3:     <%\n    4:       if
session.running?\n  app/models/batch_connect/session.rb:396:in
`connect'\n  app/models/batch_connect/session.rb:405:in `to_hash'\n
app/helpers/batch_connect/sessions_helper.rb:3:in `session_panel'\n

Any ideas on what I should look at?
Thanks for putting together what looks like it's going to be an
extremely useful tool for our users!


Kevin Hildebrand
University of Maryland Division of IT

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