[Ohiogift] Summer Professional Learning!

Croft, Laurie J laurie-croft at uiowa.edu
Tue Jun 6 12:08:27 EDT 2023

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We have SO many great professional learning opportunities coming up this next week and continuing through the first few days of August when the University's summer sessions end.  The attachment provides information about June fully online classes, June Chautauqua with some time with colleagues, and July fully online classes.

Starting next week:

  *   The Belin-Blank Center is one of the only places that offers a comprehensive three-semester-hour Academic Acceleration class (PSQF:4123:0EXW), and this eight-week class begins on Monday, June 12.  IF you are working on your endorsement, or can share this with someone new to your school/district who has started the endorsement process, this class is special in another way, beyond the important content:  1 semester hour of content applies to the Psychology strand, 1 to the Programming strand, and 1 to the Admin strand, allowing you greater flexibility with the endorsement process, since the requirements for the three basic strands have been met!

Chautauqua starts next week:

The Belin-Blank Chautauqua (some pronounce it shuh*taa*kwuh and others a little differently as shah-taa-kwah, but emphasis is always on the middle tau) is all about professional learning WITH colleagues, at least for the first two days of each class!  Having a chance to meet face-to-face with colleagues, or at least Zoom with colleagues to talk about important content, is not easy to find.

?  Talent Development for Gifted Students (a Topics class, EDTL:4075:0001) begins next Monday and meets Monday - Tuesday in person (or via Zoom) from
9:00 a.m. - noon and 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.  You get an entire hour for lunch!  The class requires you to purchase or borrow a great new book: Stambaugh, T. & Mofield, E. (2022) A Teacher's Guide to Curriculum Design for Gifted and Advanced Learners: Advanced Content Models for Differentiating Curriculum<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.amazon.com/Teachers-Curriculum-Design-Advanced-Learners/dp/1646322231/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1676570508&refinements=p_27*3AEmily*Mofield*Tamra*Stambaugh&s=books&sr=1-1__;JSsrKw!!KGKeukY!3WGYZLcw3FH7h-GjDYTxKuGOQKoSzM-r8HEM2IP01kGZt7F82EHRhtzfF47IrLHUuC4OKtRPLGBJ_snr-1Ca-lsI33VtHw$ >. Routledge. ISBN: 9781646322237 (paperback). The focus is on understanding more about the benefits of a "talent development" approach, advocated by most scholars in the field, and the book provides a fresh look at new strategies to differentiate your content. The class, fulfilling a requirement for the Programming strand, continues online and is completely asynchronous with an discussion and a final project due on June 30, and I have the opportunity to teach this class!

  *   Family Issues and Giftedness (CSED:4119:0001) meets in person or via Zoom on Wednesday, June 14, and Thursday, June 15, from 9:00 - noon and 1:00 - 4:00 pm, with the wonderful Dr. Kristine Milburn teaching!  What do families need to know when their children are invited to participate in a gifted/talented program? What do they need to know when some siblings are identified as "gifted" but others aren't?  How can they best advocate with teachers, schools, and districts? The class, fulfilling a requirement for the Psychology strand, continues online and is completely asynchronous through July 5 (no expectation that you work on July 4).

  *   Evaluation of Gifted Programs (EPLS:4111:0001) meets in person or via Zoom next Friday, June 16, and Saturday, June 17, from 9:00 - noon and 1:00 - 4:00, benefiting from the expertise of Dr. Jolene Teske!  You will likely be asked to evaluate your program; how do we know if we're accomplishing what we WANT to achieve unless we evaluate our outcomes?  Best options for conducting an evaluation??  The class, fulfilling a requirement for the Administrative strand, continues online and is completely asynchronous through July 7 (no expectation that you work on July 4).

Scholarship opportunities?

If you enroll in all three classes for Chautauqua next week, we provide an automatic tuition scholarship for ONE of the three classes to everyone who is registered as a graduate student through Distance and Online Education (DOE) (you pay for two classes, and we pay for one).  If you enroll at the graduate level in all SIX Chautauqua classes over the two weeks-the attachment above has a page dedicated just to Chautauqua-you receive two automatic tuition scholarships (you pay for four classes, we pay for two)!


Visit Distance and Online Education<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://distance.uiowa.edu/students/distance-and-online-nondegree__;!!KGKeukY!3WGYZLcw3FH7h-GjDYTxKuGOQKoSzM-r8HEM2IP01kGZt7F82EHRhtzfF47IrLHUuC4OKtRPLGBJ_snr-1Ca-ltoOo47Qg$ >; register as a non-degree seeking student (graduate or undergraduate). Once you have your HawkID and password, you can follow the directions to register for the courses that interest you the most (belinblank.org/educators/reg<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://belinblank.education.uiowa.edu/educators/endorsement/*how-to-apply__;Iw!!KGKeukY!3WGYZLcw3FH7h-GjDYTxKuGOQKoSzM-r8HEM2IP01kGZt7F82EHRhtzfF47IrLHUuC4OKtRPLGBJ_snr-1Ca-lsA4t_M6g$ >).
The Belin-Blank Center looks forward to providing you with what you need to provide the best possible opportunities for your students!


Laurie Croft, PhD (she/her/hers)
Clinical Professor of Gifted Education, Teaching & Learning
Associate Director for Professional Development, Belin-Blank Center
College of Education
600 Blank Honors Center, Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Office: 319-335-6148, Toll Free: 1-800-336-6463
belinblank.education.uiowa.edu<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.belinblank.education.uiowa.edu/?utm_source=EmailSignature&utm_medium=email&utm_content=CroftEmailSignature&utm_campaign=EmailSignature__;!!KGKeukY!3WGYZLcw3FH7h-GjDYTxKuGOQKoSzM-r8HEM2IP01kGZt7F82EHRhtzfF47IrLHUuC4OKtRPLGBJ_snr-1Ca-lszeFgFXQ$ >
Nurturing Potential | Inspiring Excellence

Follow us on Twitter @belinblank or @LCroft57
[The University of Iowa Logo]

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