[Ohiogift] Davidson Institute Giftedness News - Update: January 2022

Art Snyder artsnyder44 at cs.com
Wed Jan 26 12:54:37 EST 2022

Davidson Institute eNews-Update: January 2022#yiv6990087964 p{margin:10px 0;padding:0;}#yiv6990087964 table{border-collapse:collapse;}#yiv6990087964 h1, #yiv6990087964 h2, #yiv6990087964 h3, #yiv6990087964 h4, #yiv6990087964 h5, #yiv6990087964 h6{display:block;margin:0;padding:0;}#yiv6990087964 img, #yiv6990087964 a img{border:0;height:auto;outline:none;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6990087964 body, #yiv6990087964 #yiv6990087964bodyTable, #yiv6990087964 #yiv6990087964bodyCell{min-height:100%;margin:0;padding:0;width:100%;}#yiv6990087964 .yiv6990087964mcnPreviewText{display:none !important;}#yiv6990087964 #yiv6990087964outlook a{padding:0;}#yiv6990087964 img{}#yiv6990087964 table{}#yiv6990087964 .yiv6990087964ReadMsgBody{width:100%;}#yiv6990087964 .yiv6990087964ExternalClass{width:100%;}#yiv6990087964 p, #yiv6990087964 a, #yiv6990087964 li, #yiv6990087964 td, #yiv6990087964 blockquote{}#yiv6990087964 a .filtered99999 , #yiv6990087964 a .filtered99999 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January 2022


|  The applications for Davidson Academy Online, Davidson Academy Reno, Fellows Scholarship, THINK Summer Institute, and Explore are all open with deadlines approaching. See details below for each of these programs and apply today!  |



Whats's New in Gifted Education



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Summer Program Options for Gifted Students
There are many factors to consider when deciding on a summer program for gifted students. Where is the program located? What COVID-19 policies are in place? Is the program shifting to a remote model? How will social/emotional needs be met? Good summer programs provide gifted students challenging opportunities they may not have access to during the school year and meet a variety of interests. See our Guide to Gifted Summer Programs for the following:   
   - Residential summer programs
   - Day camp summer programs
   - Summer programs listed by topics of interest
   - Enrichment opportunities
   - 2e-friendly summer camps
   - A Kick Start to Summer Camps
Please note that 2022 application deadlines for certain summer programs may be approaching soon. Also see the Davidson lists of scholarships for teens and younger students.

If you know of a great summer program for academically gifted students, please let us know at admin at davidsongifted.org.

2022 THINK Summer Institute
Among the most academically rigorous summer programs is the Davidson THINK Summer Institute, which runs July 9-30. Students can earn up to six college credits at this three-week residential summer program on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno. To qualify, students must be 13 to 16 years old during the program and submit an SAT or ACT score. Apply today - space is limited and the final application deadline is March 25!  |


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Regeneron Science Talent Search 2022 Finalists


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|  Some of America's brightest students were recently recognized when the Society for Science & the Public (SSP) and Regeneron announced the winners of the 2022 Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS). The Regeneron STS recognizes 40 high school seniors creating new technologies and solutions that can change the world through scientific innovation.

STS is the nation’s oldest science and math competition for high school seniors. The 2022 finalists were selected from 1,804 entrants based on their projects’ scientific rigor and their potential to become world-changing scientists and leaders. Each finalist is awarded at least $25,000, and the top 10 awards range from $40,000 to $250,000. Press release >  |



|  Math Camp for Young PG Kids
Epsilon Camp is a two-week summer residential camp serving exceptional young mathematicians and their families through an intensive student program and parent workshop. The 2022 camp will be held in-person from July 17-31 on the campus of University of Colorado Colorado Springs. 

Epsilon Camp is excited to announce the establishment of the Mitra Sponsorship, which will provide full tuition, room and board, and travel costs for the camper and an accompanying parent. Learn more >

Gifted in the News
Closing Higher Education’s Equity and Achievement Gaps - "Many of the best students I’ve ever taught were diamonds in the rough, whose life experience and talent allowed them to read texts and draw conclusions in wholly original ways. Those rough-cut diamonds shared certain common traits: not polish, self-confidence or incredible verbal skills, but determination, passion, engagement, curiosity and imagination." (Inside Higher Ed)

Dual enrollment is a foot in the door to college - "Although nearly all California high schools now have at least some students enrolled in a community college course, more could benefit from this kind of intentional, structured opportunity that puts students on a path to college credentials and degrees." (EdSource)

Eric Adams must unequivocally reverse de Blasio’s G&T education ban - "The whole NYC education system needs a rework, but the part that was actually functioning can be resurrected rather quickly." (New York Post)

Gifted Education Cuts Can Be Good for Gifted Learners - "Neurodiverse kids thrive with an optimal match to their special learning needs." (Psychology Today)

How Parents Can Support Gifted Learners - "The term gifted is often thrown around when it comes to high-achieving kids but what does it really mean?" (New Jersey Family)

Is Your Child a Gifted Learner? - "Extending beyond high achievement, your gifted learner is simply on a different intellectual level than kids of the same age. Maybe it’s time to seek out a specialized school for your gifted child." (Chicago Parent)

The future of New York City’s segregated “gifted” programs - "Gifted and talented education helped segregate New York City schools. What will Mayor Eric Adams do about it?" (Vox)

‘We Don’t Have Any Talented Students’: Confronting English Language Learners’ Drastic Under-Representation in Elementary Gifted & Talented - "English language learners are drastically under-represented in the nation’s gifted and talented elementary education programs. And the one tool advocates hoped would better identify them — non-verbal assessments — hasn’t worked, critics say." (The 74 Million)  |


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Davidson News



Davidson Academy Online


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|  The 2022-2023 Davidson Academy Online application is now open! See updated information on admissions, including:   
   - Eligibility
   - Accepted Tests
   - How to Apply
   - Application Review Process
   - Academic Readiness Assessment
The application deadline is Feb. 15, 2022.  |



|  Davidson Academy Online is a dynamic, flexible option for profoundly gifted students living anywhere in the United States and Canada. Students at our accredited, robust online community are grouped by ability, not age. We leverage cutting-edge technology to create a new, highly personalized model of online education. Our middle and high school level curriculum is matched to students' abilities, strengths and interests. Our unique approach to learning has attracted families from across the country and globe.

Questions? Please email online at davidsononline.org.  |


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|  Our students benefit from:   
   - Live, synchronous sessions
   - Quality peer interactions
   - Small class sizes
   - Responsive, caring instructors
   - Student services
   - College advising
   - Academic planning
   - Opportunities for socialization

Full-time and single course enrollments available!  |



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Davidson Academy Reno
Davidson Academy's Reno Campus is the only free public school of its kind for profoundly gifted students. The Academy’s classes group students by ability rather than age, offering middle and high school level curriculum. Our unique approach to learning has attracted families from across the country and globe.

The 2022-2023 application is now open! See information on admissions including:   
   - Eligibility
   - Accepted Tests
   - How to Apply
   - Application Review Process
   - Application + Admissions FAQs
The application deadline is March 30, 2022.  |


Davidson Fellows Scholarship


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The 2022 Davidson Fellows Scholarship application is now available online. Young people 18 and younger have the opportunity to earn a $50,000, $25,000 or $10,000 scholarship in recognition of a significant piece of work in the categories of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, music, literature and philosophy, or a project that represents outside the box thinking. New for '22, teams of 2! Two-person teams are now eligible to apply! The application deadline is February 23, 2022.   |



Explore: Online Courses for Gifted Middle Schoolers


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|  Designed to be different than other online courses, Explore offers rigorous, advanced, full-year middle school courses that are modeled off of expectations at middle school courses at the Davidson Academy. Students will be expected to work on asynchronous learning activities, such as reading, drafting essays, completing practice problems, assignments, etc. in addition to the hour spent in live-sessions each week. The 2022-2023 application is now available! Explore Admissions >  |



Davidson Young Scholars


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|  Why be a Young Scholar? The Young Scholars program is free to profoundly gifted students and their families. We provide our members with the opportunity to connect and engage in a community that understands their needs. Once accepted, parents and students have access to a range of family services to support them. Benefits include the following:    
   - Connect with other PG/2e families
   - Learn more About gifted parenting 
   - Access professionals and resources 
   - Much more! 
Discover the benefits >   |



On the Web



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Blog Posts & Podcasts
A Change in Pedagogy Is The Answer - "We need to infuse into the curriculum a series of motivationally rich experiences that promote student engagement, enjoyment, and a genuine enthusiasm for learning." (NAGC)

Comics Grow Students’ Superpowers - "Parents and teachers might think that because comics or graphic novels are easy to read, they are an appropriate option for reluctant readers." (Center for Talent Development) 

Cool College Programs for Gifted Students - College can be a time for students to take control of their education and do things differently. We’re highlighting some cool opportunities below that students can look for as they research college options. (Davidson Gifted Blog) 

Emily Kircher-Morris on Stigma, Labels, and Neurodiversity Affirming Parenting - "During our interview, we went deep into the stigma surrounding neurodivergent labels, examined how the awareness of twice exceptionality has changed in school and screenings in the past decade, and looked at the skills Emily considers important for parents to help their neurodivergent children with, and much more." (TiLT Parenting Podcast) 

Gifted, ADHD, or Both? - The two may share more similarities than differences, especially in terms of what parents and educators can do to help these children thrive. (Davidson Gifted Blog) 

How gifted children view their giftedness - "While each gifted child is different, most form conclusions about what giftedness means. Just like wrestling with a Rubix cube, curious and determined, they sort through the information they receive and try to figure it out." (Gifted Challenges)

Involving All Students in Advanced Activities - "Applying the pedagogy of gifted education to all classrooms can lead to total school improvement. That is the aim of my work, an enrichment-infusion process called the “schoolwide enrichment model,” or SEM." (NAGC)

Learning Loss, High-Achievers, and Assessment: How to Navigate Testing in a Post-Pandemic Environment - "What is the best way to understand the pandemic’s impact on learning for each student? Measure it well!" (Center for Talent Development)   |


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|  Support for Smart But Struggling Students, with Jeannine Jannot - "In this episode, we explore smart but struggling especially through the lens of middle school and high school students. Together, we dig into the importance of mindset for teens, discover what the rigor tipping point looks like, and talk about whether or not procrastination is a viable strategy." (TiLT Parenting Podcast)

Supporting Black Gifted Students with Dr. Joy Lawson Davis - "We talked about special gifts that Black gifted children have that are often missed, the biggest roadblocks in traditional education models for Black gifted students, and how schools can support the Black families in their community and make their programs more inclusive." (TiLT Parenting Podcast) 

Tips for Parents: Executive Functioning at Home and School - This blog post is from a seminar hosted by Aimee Yermish. Gifted students kids often develop asynchronously; some aspects of development seem to lag behind others. Yermish discusses the frustrations of these struggles. (Davidson Gifted Blog) 

Underachievement in Gifted Students - In some cases, underachievement among profoundly gifted students does not reveal itself until students are finally in an environment in which they are being appropriately challenged. (Davidson Academy Blog) 

Understanding and Promoting Emotional Regulation - Kara McGoey provides advice on how to encourage healthy social/emotional development through emotional regulation. (Davidson Gifted Blog) 

What kind of gifted person will you become? - "You, as a gifted person, are entitled to take charge of your life and utilize your talents and abilities." (Gifted Challenges)

What's So Normal About Normal? - Emily Kircher-Morris and Jonathan Mooney talk about the gap between normal and neurodivergence, and how advocates can help bridge it effectively and permanently. (Neurodiversity Podcast) 

When Blended Learning Becomes Calvinball - "I was asked what innovation in education did I feel could make the greatest positive impact. I immediately knew the answer: 'Teachers with open minds – ones willing to step outside what they are used to doing and make a difference for kids.'” (Davidson Academy Online) 

See more on the Davidson Gifted Blog >  |


Student to Student



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Apoorva Panidapu, Davidson Fellow Laureate

Apoorva Panidapu of San Jose, Calif. received $50,000 for her Davidson Fellows project, "Short-Interval Sector Problems for CM Elliptic Curves."   |



|  Why is your Davidson Fellows project significant?
My project, “Short-Interval Sector Problems for CM Elliptic Curves,” studies prime distribution in short intervals. Specifically, I am looking at the fine-tuned behavior of primes in extremely zoomed-in settings, like the distribution of primes represented by binary quadratic forms.

The study of prime distribution has led to some of the greatest problems in all of mathematics, like the Riemann Hypothesis. Despite the hundreds of years of literature surrounding my research problem, there is no such paper that clearly outlines the relationship between the prime distribution I study, algebraic number theory, and combinatorics, and I wanted to bridge this gap. Hence, I took an interdisciplinary approach to this problem, exploring seemingly disparate areas and the actual close ties between them, such as the relationship between binary quadratic representations of primes and elliptic curves over the rationals, the bond between modular forms and Hecke Grossencharacters, and the combinatorial properties of newforms. In addition to this, I prove a more refined result of previous related work.
My project provides a path to a deeper understanding of such technical analytic number theory results through a new, more approachable lens for people outside this field. My work may also be used to adapt other theorems to similarly different settings, by intertwining algebra and combinatorics into the standard analysis that goes into proving these results. 

I can’t express my gratitude enough to my mentor, Dr. Jesse Thorner, without whom I wouldn’t have had the chance to explore this unique intersection in math to the extent I did in my project. His guidance throughout the process of writing and publishing a research paper was invaluable, and his advice will no doubt stay with me for my future research.

What are some of your short-term and long-term plans?
I plan to pursue a Ph.D., however I’m still deciding which field it will be in! I do intend to continue to do research in number theory and other mathematical fields in the coming years, but now my horizons have broadened.

In the short-term, I plan on pursuing projects in bioengineering and electrical engineering at a local university to develop hands-on skills and experience, and to continue this line of study when I go to college. I’m currently learning about cutting-edge tech (such as nanotechnology, AI, and quantum computing), and I hope to leverage these to address global issues such as access to education, women’s rights, and climate change. 

To continue my outreach and advocacy for youth in STEAM, I’m continuing to raise money to support underserved children and social reform through my art gallery and I’m working on expanding my Gems in STEM initiative into a social network to educate youth about historical figures and minorities in STEM through media. I will continue to encourage girls and gender minorities in STEM through speaking at global events and mentoring their ideas, and hope to launch a program to connect them with other young women mentors that match their areas of interest. 

In the long-run, I want to make sure to stay in-touch with my hobbies, particularly writing and painting! My future plans include writing a book similar to my column, Gems in STEM, to teach children and teenagers about a variety of difficult and obscure STEM topics in an interactive and fresh way. I also want to display a personal art portfolio in a gallery, and to find a creative way to integrate engineering into my paintings. 

While my long-term plans and future are constantly shifting as I grow as a student, researcher, and person, I am confident that whatever I end up doing will reflect my love for learning, exploration, and my enduring goal to change the world in an innovatively positive way. 

What advice do you have for students interested in mathematics?
Keep your mind open! There are so many fascinating areas of math, so don’t limit yourself or double-down on one field too early. Surround yourself with friends who love it just as much as you do and learn together (math is so much more collaborative than people realize, and the math community is amazing, supportive, and brilliant). Do it as consistently as you can, read about what the best mathematicians are doing, attend talks, and embrace your curiosity. It can sometimes feel overwhelming when you think about just how much math there is to learn out there, but that’s the beauty of it. Math has something interesting for everyone, no matter your experience level.  |


|  “You, as a gifted person, are entitled to take charge of your life and utilize your talents and abilities. Your passionate engagement with what is interesting and meaningful is the best possible use of your inherent strengths. Even if you have endured trauma or a lackluster education. Even if you have been bullied or never feel quite like you fit in. Even if you make mistakes and are far from perfect. Regardless of whether you are 15 or 50 - you deserve to embrace your strengths and challenge yourself to expand your reach.”

--Dr. Gail Post, in the Gifted Challenges article, What kind of gifted person will you become?  |



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|  If you have information to include in a future newsletter, please contact us at administrator at davidsongifted.org.
 If you have been forwarded this eNews-Update, and wish to receive future editions, 
 sign up here.
 Davidson Institute
 Nurturing Intellect. Unlocking Potential.
 Reno, Nevada
 administrator at davidsongifted.org
 To subscribe, visit the Davidson Institute's eNews-Update archive page.  |




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