[Ohiogift] EdConnection: Broadband connectivity grant, readiness assessments, family engagement and more stories!

Art Snyder artsnyder44 at cs.com
Mon Aug 10 18:02:15 EDT 2020

 Everyone: The latest ODE news, including broadband grants for the underserved, is below:
 8/10 EdConnection: Broadband connectivity grant, readiness assessments, family engagement and more stories!#yiv0136581983 #yiv0136581983 div {line-height:1;}#yiv0136581983 body, #yiv0136581983 table, #yiv0136581983 td, #yiv0136581983 p, #yiv0136581983 a, #yiv0136581983 li, #yiv0136581983 blockquote {}#yiv0136581983 body {}#yiv0136581983 table {border-spacing:0;}#yiv0136581983 table, #yiv0136581983 td {}#yiv0136581983 img {}#yiv0136581983 body {margin:0;padding:0;}#yiv0136581983 img {border:none !important;height:auto;line-height:1;outline:none;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0136581983 table td {border-collapse:collapse !important;}#yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983preheader {display:none !important;visibility:hidden;color:transparent;min-height:0;width:0;}#yiv0136581983 #yiv0136581983 a .filtered99999 {color:inherit !important;text-decoration:none !important;font-size:inherit !important;font-family:inherit !important;font-weight:inherit !important;line-height:inherit !important;}#yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983gd_combo_text_cell {padding:10px !important;}#yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983gd_combo_image_cell {padding:10px !important;}#yiv0136581983 #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo body, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo p, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo .yiv0136581983gd_p, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo p span, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo li, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo li span {line-height:1.4;}#yiv0136581983 #yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983ExternalClass p, #yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983ExternalClass span, #yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983ExternalClass font, #yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983ExternalClass td{line-height:100%;}@media only screen and ( _filtered_a ) {#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo table {position:relative;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo .yiv0136581983govd_header {max-width:480px !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo .yiv0136581983govd_hr img, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo .yiv0136581983govd_hr_inner img {display:none !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo img {max-width:400px !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo .yiv0136581983govd_template_image {height:auto !important;max-width:100% !important;width:auto !important;margin:0 !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo table.yiv0136581983gd_combo_table .yiv0136581983govd_template_image {margin:0 auto 10px auto !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;text-align:center;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo table.yiv0136581983gd_combo_table td.yiv0136581983gd_combo_image_cell .yiv0136581983govd_template_image {margin:0 !important;text-align:left;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo #yiv0136581983main-header .yiv0136581983govd_template_image {max-width:480px !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo .yiv0136581983govd_content_container .yiv0136581983govd_image_display {margin-left:0 !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo .yiv0136581983container-fill, #yiv0136581983 table.yiv0136581983gd_tbl_wrap, #yiv0136581983 table.yiv0136581983gd_tbl_wrap table {max-width:480px !important;}#yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983main-table, #yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983mobile-footer, #yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983mobile-tagline, #yiv0136581983 table.yiv0136581983gd_tbl_wrap, #yiv0136581983 table.yiv0136581983gd_tbl_wrap table {width:100% !important;min-width:100% !important;max-width:480px !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo .yiv0136581983tablecell, #yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983tablecell {width:100% !important;display:block !important;max-width:100% !important;min-width:100% !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo p, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo p span, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo .yiv0136581983gd_p, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo li {font-size:13pt !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo #yiv0136581983view-in-browser p, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo #yiv0136581983view-in-browser p span, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo #yiv0136581983view-in-browser .yiv0136581983gd_p, #yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo #yiv0136581983view-in-browser li {font-size:8pt !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo h1 {font-size:18pt !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo h2 {font-size:16pt !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo h3 {font-size:14pt !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo #yiv0136581983main-body .yiv0136581983govd_hr {background:transparent none !important;}#yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983mobile-hide {display:none !important;}#yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983mobile-padding {padding:0 !important;}#yiv0136581983 .yiv0136581983mobile-columns {padding:10px 20px !important;}#yiv0136581983 table#yiv0136581983yahoo #yiv0136581983main-header p {font-size:9pt !important;}} 
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| Aug. 10, 2020
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$50 million in grant funding available to help students gain internet access 
The Ohio Department of Education, in collaboration with BroadbandOhio, will provide Ohio schools with the opportunity to apply for grants from a pool of $50 million in federal CARES Act funding. Schools can use the grants to provide internet access to eligible groups of students, such as vulnerable youth and those who are economically disadvantaged. The deadline to apply is Aug. 21. |
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Ohio Department of Education announces planned launch of readiness assessments and provides information and resources to promote family engagement 
New information about the planned launch of readiness assessments, as well as updated resources to promote family engagement have been posted to the Department’s Reset and Restart Education webpage. |

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2021 Green Ribbon Schools application now available
Ohio is taking part in the U.S. Department of Education’s Green Ribbon Schools program. Nominate a school building where leaders are doing exemplary work to reduce environmental impact and costs by Nov. 4. |

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Register for the career-technical education Equity Ambassador Program
The Ohio Department of Education is creating an Equity Ambassador Program to improve equity in career-technical education. Teachers, administrators, counselors or any internal stakeholders in Career-Technical Planning Districts who are passionate about equity in education may register for the program. Equity ambassadors have access to professional development opportunities and will act as local equity experts for their Career-Technical Planning Districts. |

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Advanced Placement® Supports during COVID-19
Whether schools are delivering instruction remotely, through a hybrid or blended model, or face to face, the College Board is offering free new resources for Advanced Placement (AP) teachers and students as the new school year approaches. |

Superintendents, principals, treasurers, other administrators
Confirm or submit district profile link for Ohio School Report Cards by Aug. 28Update EVAAS school and district administrators by Aug. 21Data appeal for other accountability assessments open through Aug. 20
Deadlines and dates

Approaching deadlines or important dates mentioned in previous editions of EdConnection.
   - 8/3-9/11| Career-technical education alternative reporting window in WebXam
   - 8/10-8/20 | Submit data appeals for assessment, calendar, staff and course data
   - 8/10-9/11 | Review 2020 report card data
   - 8/11-8/13 | Attend Teaching in Uncertain Times learning series
   - 8/14-8/28 | Register for the Orientation for Nurses New to Ohio Schools
   - 8/21 | Submit Remote Learning Plans
   - 8/28 | Submit proposal to present at the 2020 Trauma-Informed Schools Conference
   - 8/30 | Submit suggestions of industry credentials for students to earn
   - 8/31 | Ohio Seal of Biliteracy world language proficiency testing window for seniors closes
   - 9/15 | District ACT or SAT selections due
   - 9/18 | EMIS career-tech accountability assessment data collection window closes
   - 9/22 | Spring 2020 state-sponsored ACT testing make-up
   - 9/23 | Spring 2020 state-sponsored SAT testing make-up
   - 9/30 | Adopt policy regarding students who are at risk of not qualifying for a high school diploma
   - 10/2 | Gifted self-report due
   - 10/4-10/11 | Register for the Ohio Council for the Social Studies annual conference
   - 10/6 | Spring 2020 state-sponsored ACT testing make-up
   - 10/8 | Submit Rural Tech Project proposals
   - 10/14 | Spring 2020 state-sponsored SAT testing make-up
   - 10/20 | Spring 2020 state-sponsored ACT testing make-up
   - 10/27 | Spring 2020 state-sponsored SAT testing make-up
   - 11/1 | Submit Blended Learning Declarations

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