[Ohiogift] Free ASCD Virtual Conferences July 16-17

Art Snyder artsnyder44 at cs.com
Tue Jul 7 17:18:50 EDT 2020

With most teaching options for the upcoming school year still on the table with  districts across the state, all teachers might benefit from seeing what the upcoming ASCD virtual conferences have to offer. Activities are free, too.
 Free ASCD Virtual Conferences July 16-17#yiv8433287473 #yiv8433287473 div {line-height:1;}#yiv8433287473 body, #yiv8433287473 table, #yiv8433287473 td, #yiv8433287473 p, #yiv8433287473 a, #yiv8433287473 li, #yiv8433287473 blockquote {}#yiv8433287473 body {}#yiv8433287473 table {border-spacing:0;}#yiv8433287473 table, #yiv8433287473 td {}#yiv8433287473 img {}#yiv8433287473 body {margin:0;padding:0;}#yiv8433287473 img {border:none !important;height:auto;line-height:1;outline:none;text-decoration:none;}#yiv8433287473 table td {border-collapse:collapse !important;}#yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473preheader {display:none !important;visibility:hidden;color:transparent;min-height:0;width:0;}#yiv8433287473 #yiv8433287473 a .filtered99999 {color:inherit !important;text-decoration:none !important;font-size:inherit !important;font-family:inherit !important;font-weight:inherit !important;line-height:inherit !important;}#yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473gd_combo_text_cell {padding:10px !important;}#yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473gd_combo_image_cell {padding:10px !important;}#yiv8433287473 #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo body, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo p, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo .yiv8433287473gd_p, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo p span, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo li, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo li span {line-height:1.4;}#yiv8433287473 #yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473ExternalClass p, #yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473ExternalClass span, #yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473ExternalClass font, #yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473ExternalClass td{line-height:100%;}@media only screen and ( _filtered_a ) {#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo table {position:relative;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo .yiv8433287473govd_header {max-width:480px !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo .yiv8433287473govd_hr img, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo .yiv8433287473govd_hr_inner img {display:none !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo img {max-width:400px !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo .yiv8433287473govd_template_image {height:auto !important;max-width:100% !important;width:auto !important;margin:0 !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo table.yiv8433287473gd_combo_table .yiv8433287473govd_template_image {margin:0 auto 10px auto !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;text-align:center;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo table.yiv8433287473gd_combo_table td.yiv8433287473gd_combo_image_cell .yiv8433287473govd_template_image {margin:0 !important;text-align:left;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo #yiv8433287473main-header .yiv8433287473govd_template_image {max-width:480px !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo .yiv8433287473govd_content_container .yiv8433287473govd_image_display {margin-left:0 !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo .yiv8433287473container-fill, #yiv8433287473 table.yiv8433287473gd_tbl_wrap, #yiv8433287473 table.yiv8433287473gd_tbl_wrap table {max-width:480px !important;}#yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473main-table, #yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473mobile-footer, #yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473mobile-tagline, #yiv8433287473 table.yiv8433287473gd_tbl_wrap, #yiv8433287473 table.yiv8433287473gd_tbl_wrap table {width:100% !important;min-width:100% !important;max-width:480px !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo .yiv8433287473tablecell, #yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473tablecell {width:100% !important;display:block !important;max-width:100% !important;min-width:100% !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo p, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo p span, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo .yiv8433287473gd_p, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo li {font-size:13pt !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo #yiv8433287473view-in-browser p, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo #yiv8433287473view-in-browser p span, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo #yiv8433287473view-in-browser .yiv8433287473gd_p, #yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo #yiv8433287473view-in-browser li {font-size:8pt !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo h1 {font-size:18pt !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo h2 {font-size:16pt !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo h3 {font-size:14pt !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo #yiv8433287473main-body .yiv8433287473govd_hr {background:transparent none !important;}#yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473mobile-hide {display:none !important;}#yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473mobile-padding {padding:0 !important;}#yiv8433287473 .yiv8433287473mobile-columns {padding:10px 20px !important;}#yiv8433287473 table#yiv8433287473yahoo #yiv8433287473main-header p {font-size:9pt !important;}} 
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| 7-7-2020 |
| Join thousands of administrators, curriculum directors and teachers to discuss strategies and solutions for the challenges schools will face in the upcoming school year.The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) is offering a free virtual conference that will bring together practitioners and thought leaders to share their perspectives and offer insights, tools and strategies to help educators plan for the 2020–2021 school year.This July 16–17, let ASCD help you and your district respond, reimagine, and restart together. The free virtual conference will explore tracks including operational and budget considerations, equitable decisions on instruction, safety concerns and preparing educators to best support students and families.Click here for more information and to register for the conference.  |

ASCD Virtual Conference Program Overview

| The free ASCD virtual conference will provide the following topical tracks to help administrators, curriculum directors, teachers and their districts respond, reimagine and restart the 2020–2021 school year.  Track 1: Strategy & Operations. Logistics. Technology. Communication. Schedules. Schools are likely to look—and run—very differently when the new year starts and will need to be ready to respond quickly as the situation changes. What do leaders need to think about and prepare when planning for the new year?Track 2: Educator Readiness. Educators have had to adapt everything they do and everything that's familiar to meet students' needs, while dealing with the pandemic themselves. How can we prepare educators for the new school year and build their capacity, both emotional and pedagogical, to work in a flexible and changing teaching environment?Track 3: Addressing Academic Gaps. Estimates have shown that some students could fall up to a year behind in their education because of the disruptions brought on by the pandemic. How do we address the disruption in learning and assessments from the 2019–2020 school year while ensuring no student falls further behind?Track 4: Equity. With a variety of scenarios for restarting school in the fall, one thing is certain: some students and families will face challenges in access and supports. How do we identify and plan to minimize—and strive to erase—the systemic inequities many in our school communities will encounter? |

Track 5: Social-Emotional Learning & Student Support. We must recognize that some students, families and communities will have experienced trauma and adversity during the pandemic. How can schools prepare to support these students for the upcoming year? |

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