[Ohiogift] Latest National History Club News - Aug. 19, 2019

Art Snyder artsnyder44 at cs.com
Mon Aug 19 16:25:00 EDT 2019

| National History Club News |
| a partner of HISTORY® | August 2019 |

 Join The National History Club! The University of Chicago University of Vermont 
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|      D-Day Girls: The Spies Who Armed the Resistance, Sabotaged the Nazis, and Helped Win World War II  by Sarah Rose   Crown * Hardcover * 400 pages * 978-0-451-49508-2 * $28.00    Rigorously researched and written with razor-sharp wit, D-Day Girls is the untold story of the women recruited by Britain's elite spy agency who paved the way for Allied victory.   "Comprehensive and compelling . . . Readers get to know these amazing women as individuals as their duties unfold against the backdrop of the war. . . . Rose smoothly integrates developing events with biographical details and glimpses into French wartime society, creating a digestible and easy-to-follow story. This satisfying mix of social history and biography . . . should engage a wide audience."  -- Booklist (starred review)   "D-Day Girls, written with novelistic detail, weaves together five women's narratives using historical research from contemporary periodicals, archives, and interview records. . . . [D-Day Girls is part of] a new library and a more robust approach to analyzing women's essential role in war."-- Foreign Policy   Educators: To request a free review copy, please contact us at K12education at edu.penguinrandomhouse.com or call us toll free at (844) 851-3955.   For more titles, please visit www.randomhouse.com/highschool    |

     Read The NHC Spring Newsletter      
          NHC Sponsors     
   -  Agricultural History Society 
   -  American Association for State and Local History 
   -  American Historical Association 
   -  Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles 
   -  George Washington's Mount Vernon 
   -  Gilder Lehrman Institute 
   -  HISTORY 
   -  History 500 
   -  Laurel Hill Cemetery 
   -  Museum of Florida History 
   -  National Council for History Education 
   -  National Vietnam War Museum 
   -  National World War I Museum 
   -  National World War II Museum 
   -  Omohundro Institute 
   -  Society of Architectural Historians 
   -  The Churchill Centre 
   -  The History List 
   -  The Concord Review 
   -  Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund 
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| Join The National History Club! |
|   |     For over 15 years the National History Club has inspired students and teachers to start History Club chapters at middle and high schools throughout the United States. Members of local History Club chapters participate in local and national programs, and create their own projects and activities. To date, more than 600 History Club chapters at high schools and middle schools in 45 states have joined the NHC, and there are over 18,000 student members.   Schools are free to decide whether they will be regular History Clubs open to all students, or if they want to designate themselves History Honor Societies, where members must meet certain requirements with regard to GPA and honors classes. The NHC serves as a clearinghouse for all our enrolled chapters to share information and activities with one another through our tri-annual Newsletter and monthly eBlasts. We also run numerous award programs such as the National History Scholars Society and the "History Student of the Year" to recognize the top students and chapters from around the country.   If you have a group of students who love history the NHC and want to get involved in a fun activity outside the classroom, we are the organization for you! For more information --- including our "How To Start a History Club" guide --- please contact Robert Nasson.    |
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| The University of Chicago |
|   |     The University of Chicago is a leader in the study of history, through its pioneering study of civilizations, its intensive curriculum focused on research and critical thinking, and its excellent training of young historians for careers in law, government, education, public policy, business, and nonprofits. Small seminar classes taught by world-renowned faculty promote individual attention to students, vigorous debates, and the discovery of primary historical texts that cover the globe (Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas) and span time (from ancient Greece to the modern day).   The study of history will not only enable you to become a consumer of knowledge, it will also prepare you to become a producer of knowledge. Undergraduate history courses first train you to explore large-scale social, cultural, and political processes by defining concrete, researchable questions. Then, you will learn how to locate the primary and secondary sources necessary to posit answers to these large questions. Finally, faculty will assist you in transforming your research into elegant historical arguments that shed light on the multiple ways in which our world, our very reality, has transformed over time.    |
|   | Visit the University of Chicago History Department! |
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| University of Vermont |
|   |     The history department at the University of Vermont is known for its dynamic research and teaching. Its 23 full-time faculty members have expertise in a broad diversity of geographical and thematic areas ranging, chronologically, from the medieval periods to the present. Vermont faculty have authored, co-authored, or edited more than a hundred books and written many articles, reviews, and newspaper editorials. They have also been at the fore of new digital initiatives that make primary sources, historical data, and interpretations of the past available in specialized databases and on professionally-curated websites.   At the University of Vermont, history courses range in format from larger lecture classes to smaller, research-intensive seminars. Each class requires extensive reading and writing and the ability to discuss complex issues in a sophisticated and well-informed manner. All students who major in history at the University of Vermont, leave the program with impeccable research skills developed through specialized courses on historical methods and in senior seminars that privilege the production of a significant essay based on primary research.   In addition to acquiring in-depth historical knowledge, students at the University of Vermont leave the history program with a range of important skills including the ability to synthesize large bodies of material, craft arguments and substantiate claims with evidence, and write sophisticated prose. In short, the history degree at the University of Vermont both provides a significant and rewarding intellectual challenge for students and prepares them broadly for a range of future professional opportunities.    |
|   | To find out more please visit... |
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|    :: rnasson at nationalhistoryclub.org   :: http://www.nationalhistoryclub.org    |
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| National History Club, Inc., P.O. Box 441812, Somerville, MA 02144 |



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