[Ohiogift] National History Club News - late March 2019

Art Snyder artsnyder44 at cs.com
Thu Mar 28 15:40:22 EDT 2019

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| National History Club News |
| a partner of HISTORY® | March 2019 |

 5th Annual Lessons of Leadership Contest Rice University Louisiana State University 
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|      The War Before the War: Fugitive Slaves and the Struggle for America's Soul from the Revolution to the Civil War  by Andrew Delbanco   Penguin Press | Hardcover | 978-1-59420-405-0 | 464 pages | $30.00   A New York Times Critics' Best Book of 2018   Andrew Delbanco tells how fugitive slaves forced America to confront the truth about itself. Despite the Fugitive Slave Act's attempt to mediate, the conflict between northerners awakened to the true nature of slavery and enraged southerners who demanded the return of their human "property," ultimately drove the nation to Civil War.    "[Delbanco] transforms the figure of the fugitive slave from the margins of American history to its dynamic center....This delightfully readable book is thronged with stories of heroes whose names may escape us, but whose flights from bondage helped to revolutionize [this] country." -- Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Harvard University   Educators: To request a complimentary examination copy to review for classroom use, please contact us at K12education at edu.penguinrandomhouse.com or call us toll free at (844) 851-3955.    |

       Read the Winter NHC Newsletter!  
          NHC Sponsors     
   -  Agricultural History Society 
   -  American Association for State and Local History 
   -  Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles 
   -  George Washington's Mount Vernon 
   -  Gilder Lehrman Institute 
   -  HISTORY 
   -  History 500 
   -  Laurel Hill Cemetery 
   -  Museum of Florida History 
   -  National Council for History Education 
   -  National Vietnam War Museum 
   -  National World War I Museum 
   -  National World War II Museum 
   -  Omohundro Institute 
   -  Society of Architectural Historians 
   -  The Churchill Centre 
   -  The History List 
   -  The Concord Review 
   -  Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund 
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| 5th Annual Lessons of Leadership Contest |
|   |     World War II General Douglas MacArthur once said, "Last, but by no means least, courage of one's convictions, the courage to see things through. The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age-old struggle---the roar of the crowd on one side and voice of your conscience on the other." Throughout mankind, historical figures and leaders have constantly faced the struggle of doing what is easy versus doing what is right. From ancient Rome to colonial America to modern day U.S. politics, we are often reminded of the challenges that come from standing up for what one believes is right and just.   For the 5th consecutive year, the National History Club and The HBE Foundation are proud to co-sponsor the "Lessons of Leadership" Contest. We encourage middle and high school students from across the country to select a historical figure (domestic or foreign, ancient or modern) and examine how that person displayed courage and conviction with a decision they made or throughout his/her life.   For more information on the Contest and how to submit an entry please visit this page. Five winners will take home a total of $5,000 dollars!    |
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| Rice University |
|   |     We are a community of scholars and students passionate about studying the past in order to help us understand our contemporary world. In the History Department, Rice students learn with accomplished scholars in small classroom settings. Our faculty enjoy teaching, and many have been recognized with awards for exceptional teaching. The skills learned in history courses--how to sift through enormous amounts of information, how to read texts critically, how to write effective prose--are broadly applicable to many fields and careers.   Students who love history and who want the freedom to explore the past widely should consider majoring in history. Gifts to the department from alumni and friends offer history majors opportunities for travel and research. An honors program allows students to conduct original research and to write a thesis.   The graduate program accepts exceptionally motivated students who are interested in studying the history of the America South, the Atlantic World, Latin American History, the Middle East, Trans-national Asia, and the U.S. and the World.  The unique dual degree program with the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) allows students fluent in Portuguese the opportunity to study in Brazil and to earn a second Ph.D. Graduate students fluent in Spanish can earn the same dual degree with our Mexico program with the Instituto Mora.    |
|   | Visit the Rice History Department |
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| Louisiana State University |
|   |     The Department of History has played an important role at LSU for over a century. You will learn history from internationally and nationally recognized scholars. Faculty engage in research and teaching in virtually every field of world history, from the ancient world to the late twentieth century and beyond. History at LSU will help you follow your passion for understanding the events that shape our lives.   Interested in learning more about the origins of the modern world -- its cultures, beliefs, and accomplishments -- through an examination of our shared past? History students learn more thanmerely the facts and figures. The program allows you to develop skills that are relevant to many jobs and professions. These skills include interpreting documents, evaluating evidence, and placing events in their proper context. You will also learn to argue persuasively, to assess the arguments of others, and to communicate forcefully and effectively.   Take courses in subjects ranging from the Roman Republic to twentieth-century American pop culture. There are classes that focus specifically on a period and a particular place, such as Mexico since their independence or modern China. Some courses have broader themes, such as African American history, or U.S. women's history. Other courses allow students to examine major historical events at a global level, such as the history of World War I and World War II.    |
|   | Find out more information! |
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|    :: rnasson at nationalhistoryclub.org   :: http://www.nationalhistoryclub.org    |
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| National History Club, Inc., P.O. Box 441812, Somerville, MA 02144 |

| Sent by rnasson at nationalhistoryclub.org in collaboration with |

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