[Ohiogift] Betsy DeVos hearings and gifted ed

Nancy Jamison 1njamison1 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 15:29:33 EST 2017


Hearings for the new administration's pick for Secretary of Education --
Betsy DeVos -- have taken place, and her commentary does not appear to bode
well for gifted ed students. For example, she seemed unaware of the
differences between student *growth *and *proficiency*. To many this
suggests she might ignore service to the gifted population, since her focus
seems to be on simple proficiency with all students.

A Washington Post summary of DeVos's commentary during the hearings is here:

The Huffington Post covers the hearings here:

YouTube.com has the entire 3-1/2 hour event here:

*The vote on DeVos will take place on Monday, Jan. 23*. I urge you to
review DeVos's record and then to contact your members of Congress to voice
your opinion. Perhaps gifted education can take a positive turn in the
months ahead.

Nancy Jamison
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