[Ohiogift] Fwd: Landmark study finds Pre-K ineffective

Anne Flick anneflick at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 4 10:28:45 EDT 2015

Did the students who were significantly ahead at first then get instruction at their level and then slip despite advanced instruction, or did they just stall when they got the same instruction as their classmates who had not had the pre-K experience? Did those same children then get bored and frustrated because they entered K ahead and got instruction that was below their level, so they fared worse on measures assessing behavior because their behavior reflected their intellectual frustration?
Could this be a mirror of what happens to young gifted children every school year?

>Landmark Tennessee study contradicts conventional wisdom about the power of pre-K
>'There is much work to be done,' researchers say
>Grace Tatter headshot
>By Grace Tatter gtatter at chalkbeat.org
>Published: September 28, 2015 - 2:47 pm CDT
>...Vanderbilt researchers found that students who participated in TN-VPK benefitted significantly at first. But by first grade, there was no difference. By third grade, the students who attended pre-K actually fared worse on a variety of measures assessing both academics and behavior..... 

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