[Ohiogift] Teaching in Ohio has become impossible

Will Fitzhugh fitzhugh at tcr.org
Thu Jul 16 11:10:42 EDT 2015

A great article about teaching third grade in Ohio.

I taught in high school in the 1970s and 1980s, and my
wife taught in elementary school and back then she had
much less free (or prep) time than I did (both in MA)...

Clearly it has gotten much worse.

Absolutely splendid idea to have a legislator teach
for a semester! It is my impression that every time an
amateur like that teaches for even a day, they come 
away dragging their feet and saying they had not had
the foggiest idea what the demands of teaching were.

Let’s urge more of them to do it. I would like to see
Gates and Coleman teach for a week. It would be
an awakening for both, I feel sure.

Will Fitzhugh
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