[Ohiogift] Talent Act provisions in the ESEA

Margaret DeLacy margaretdelacy at comcast.net
Thu Apr 23 22:17:00 EDT 2015


In addition to the Javits funding, the draft ESEA bill that was approved by the Senate HELP Committee includes several provisions to enhance educator training and district accountability for gifted education.  These were originally in the TALENT act. 

Below are excerpts from the NAGC announcement. 

Senate ESEA Bill Contains Multiple Provisions to Support High-Potential & High-Achieving Students
April 15, 2015

... The bipartisan bill, considered today by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, includes several provisions focused on spotlighting the annual achievement – or lack thereof – made by advanced students. It also includes provisions to use teacher training funds to help prepare educators to identify and subsequently serve these learners, and to continue research that helps develop best classroom practices with advanced students.....

The provisions addressing gifted and high-potential students will:

    Disaggregate student performance data at each achievement level on annual state report cards and include data reported to the Office of Civil Rights on the numbers of minority students receiving gifted education services.
    Explicitly authorize disclosure within annual plans by Title I local school districts to report how they will use funds to identify and served gifted students, and authorizes states to describe how they will use funds to assist school districts in identifying gifted students in their state plans.
    Require states to include within their Title II professional development plans how they will improve the skills of teachers, principals and other personnel so they are able to identify gifted and talented students.
    Explicitly state that federal teacher training funds are to be used to address the learning needs of gifted and talented students and permits funds to be used to train educators to identify gifted students, including those students demonstrating high-ability but not yet formally identified for such services.

- See more at: http://www.nagc.org/about-nagc/media/press-releases/senate-esea-bill-contains-multiple-provisions-support-high-potential#sthash.RYWb1UmD.dpuf


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