[Ohiogift] Advocacy Alert -- College Credit Plus funding

Gifted and Talented in Ohio Discussion List ohiogift at lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Wed May 28 16:07:41 EDT 2014

For those new to this, College Credit Plus is the program replacing PSEO.

Private and homeschooled students, in addition to public schools students, also pay nothing for PSEO (although their number of credits permitted under the program is severely limited compared to public school students).  *No* student in Ohio should be charged under CC+.  

Also, please mention your wish that all public colleges in Ohio, especially main campuses, must participate in CC+.  Able high school students are shut out of quality college courses while seats go empty at main campuses of state-funded colleges because colleges claim they are participating by restricting PSEO to a few low-level courses at their branch campuses.


>Advocacy Alert 5.28.14 – Private Colleges
are Pushing to Charge Any Amount to Students Under College Credit Plus--  The as introduced language under
college credit plus limited the amount that private colleges could charge high school students for college creditto $33 per credit hour. The House Education
Committee kept the as introduced language, but the Ohio Senate Education
amended the language to allow districts to charge students potentially up to $193
per credit hour. In addition, the Senate Education committee took out language
that required districts partnering with private colleges to inform parents that
there were no cost options available. There are rumblings that private colleges
are lobbying hard to remove any limitation on what students can be charged. (Note: none of this applies to
students on free and reduced lunch. They still would not be charged). Please
call the following individuals and tell them you object to any public school
student being charged for the college credit plus program – especially for
programs taught on the high school campus with high school teachers. Any charge
to students will limit access to College Credit Plus, which is contrary to the
intent of the program. Public school students are not charged for the current
PSEO program. They should not be charged for the College Credit Plus program. Also,
parents should be informed of all non-cost options for College Credit Plus. Tell
them that you would like the funding language for college credit plus to be
restored to the as introduced version in HB487. Please make your phone calls
now. You will likely talk to an aide or get voice mail. Be polite and state
your message. If you are shy about talking to a live person, call after 5 and you will likely get voice mail. 
>It should take you roughly 15 minutes to make phone calls to the
following individuals: 
Gerald Stebelton (Chair, House Education Committee) – 614-466-8100
>Senator Peggy
Lehner (Chair, Senate Education Committee) – 614-466-4538
Andrew Brenner (Vice Chair, Education Committee) – 614-644-6711
>Senator Randy
Gardner – 614-466-8060 
Tony Hall – 614-466-2994
Timothy Derickson – 614-644-5094
Burkley – 614-644-5091
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