[Ohiogift] Un-gifting students -- follow-up

Ann Sheldon anngift at aol.com
Thu Feb 27 09:35:42 EST 2014

 Hi all, 

I asked ODE to follow up on the conversation that occurred that somehow gave an elementary principal the idea that gifted students can be unidentified.  The response was as follows: 

Andrew received a call from this principal asking about ELL students with disabilities. They talked for about 15 minutes on identification, eligibility and resources such as a new document handed out at ASES last week. At the very end of the conversation she asked if he worked with gifted education.  He said no but she went ahead and asked if students who are identified gifted are ever determined to be “ungifted.” Andrew replied that students with disabilities have a reevaluation every 3 years to determine if they are still disabled so maybe there is something like that for gifted – call Mike or Beth because he doesn’t work with gifted.

To be clear, ODE staff never indicated to anyone that gifted students could be unidentified, and it is not state policy for that practice to occur. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Art Snyder <artsnyder44 at cs.com>
To: Ohiogift <Ohiogift at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>
Sent: Wed, Feb 12, 2014 3:12 pm
Subject: [Ohiogift] Un-gifting students


 I have always been under the assumption that once a student is identified as gifted that we do not un-gift that child. Our elementary principal called the state department and she said that someone said there that is not true and that we can un-gift students.

Is this true?

Deb Paputsakis
D_PAPUTSAKIS at pauldingschools.org

Via: Art Snyder

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