[Ohiogift] Authority for un-gifting students

Art Snyder artsnyder44 at cs.com
Thu Feb 13 11:54:58 EST 2014

 Note: In response to questions about the source of information regarding authority 
for un-gifting students, questioner Deb Paputsakis responds:

Andrew Hinkleman was the consultant who told Stephanie Tear, our elementary principal. She then emailed the entire elementary staff and told them: "Fun-fact for you - I found out today from the state department that you are not necessarily always gifted once you are labeled gifted."

This message was sent to the entire staff. I wrote back and told her that according to the law, there are no provisions to "un-gift" a student. She wrote back and told me that that was "old" information.

Deb Paputsakis
D_PAPUTSAKIS at pauldingschools.org

Via: Art Snyder


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