[Ohiogift] win a new computer lab, fwd.

Margaret DeLacy margaretdelacy at comcast.net
Tue Oct 8 01:51:52 EDT 2013


 Below is information about An Hour of Code from the website for Computer Science Education Week.  No computers are required for participation in the Hour!



What's an Hour of Code?

It's a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code" and show that anyone can learn the basics to be a maker, a creator, an innovator.

We'll provide a variety of self-guided tutorials that anybody can complete, with just a web-browser, tablet, or smartphone. We'll even have unplugged tutorials for classrooms without computers. No experience is needed.

Computer Science Education Week (CS Ed Week) is an annual program dedicated to showing K-12 students the importance of computer science education.

Organized each year by the Computing in the Core coalition and Code.org, CS Ed Week is held in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906).
Computing in the Core

Computing in the Core is a non-partisan advocacy coalition of associations, corporations, scientific societies, and other non-profits seeking to elevate the national profile of computer science education in K-12 within the US and work toward ensuring that computer science is one of the core academic subjects in K-12 education.

Code.org is a non-profit dedicated to growing computer programming education. The Code.org vision is that computer science should be part of the core curriculum in every school, alongside other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses, such as biology, physics, chemistry and algebra.

Why Computer Science?

Computer Science provides a foundation for virtually any career -- everybody can benefit from learning the basics.

Computer Science Education Week is observed each year, in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906).

The Hour of Code is just one of many different events planned for CSEdWeek. If you are a CS teacher, see our Participation Kit for CS Teachers, and if you plan a special event tell us about it so we can celebrate your hard work.

Prizes for EVERY Participant!
Our sponsors are helping make the Hour of Code huge by generously donating items to
reward participation. We’re giving away an entire classroom’s worth of computers
to at least one school in every state that signs up before November 1.
And every teacher who organizes an Hour of Code in their classroom will receive
10GB of free DropBox storage as a thank-you gift. We’ll announce more prizes as
CSEdWeek nears                  

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