[Ohiogift] gifted battle

Margaret DeLacy margaretdelacy at comcast.net
Mon Oct 7 18:41:33 EDT 2013

I have never before commented on poor spelling/writing in messages.  I received my comeuppance as a language policewoman when I became the parent of a delightful but dyslexic child.  This is an exception.  As I understand it, this gentleman speaks for the Ohio State Board of Education and thus determines education standards in the whole state.  A person in that position should be able to write a grammatical letter with accurate spelling and punctuation. The incoherence of the letter itself suggests that its author should not be representing education in any capacity, let alone making critical policy decisions about the education of gifted students. Perhaps it's time to evict this "tenant"!


At 05:08 PM 10/7/2013 -0400, Todd Jones wrote:

>the current system of regulations, whose basic tenants were reaffirmed by
>the gifted education advisory committee this year, are not leading to
>successful outcomes. ...

"Some are convinced that being more prescriptive in how money is 
spent?through teacher ratios, directives on who must administer and 
coordinate services, instruction time ratios, and foreclosed alternative 
approaches?will improve gifted education. I view those approaches as more 
of the current, inadequate same."   ...

"Your work will improve education for gifted students, and more effectively ensure 
that resources and effort are placed on gifted education in every district 
than the current input-focused operating regulations could ever do."

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