[Ohiogift] Guided Reading question

Sandra Warren Sandra at arliebooks.com
Mon Sep 30 12:50:56 EDT 2013

Dear Rob,

I don't have a list but I just returned from a children's writer's
conference where a book recently published (2013) was featured. It is
called *"a.k.a.genius" by Marilee Haynes*. It's about a 7th grader who is
identified gifted and how he copes with being identified for a gifted
program.   It's received great reviews. I purchased it and have not
finished it yet but it looks promising. It's very funny and witty and so
far, hits the nail on the head as far as what so many kids say they've
dealt with -- the negative ribbing from friends and even family.  I don't
know how Champ, the main character learns to accept his abilities but the
tag line on the books indicates --  self-acceptance/giftedness/humor.

I did however, just notice that it's published by a Catholic Press. I don't
know if that matters. The only thing or comment even remotely religious
that I've encountered thus far is Champ's shock when the teacher in the new
gifted class turns out to be a nun.

I met the author at the conference and asked her, "why gifted?" She
explained that although the main character, Champ as his father calls him,
is a boy, he experiences many similar things and feelings she had growing
up gifted, although she didn't use the word "gifted," until I mentioned my
background and understanding.

Anyway, it's worth a look. I'm sure the book will generate great
discussions, if not in the classroom, then at home.

I'd love to see lists also.

Good luck.

Sandra :-)

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Rob Berryman
<berryman at fairlawn.k12.oh.us>wrote:

>  Hi friends and colleagues!
> Do any of you have any recommended book lists for 4th grade students who
> are gifted? Any assistance you could provide would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Rob
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