Bohland, Mark mbohland at mvcsd.us
Sun Sep 8 10:48:11 EDT 2013

Forwarded From: Debra Csikos-Vandrasik [djcsikos at gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2013 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Ohiogift] "How'd they do that?!!!" RE: GIFTED SERVICES IN OHIO: ONE GIANT LEAP BACKWARDS

My son is twice exceptional, so I too walk in both worlds, as it were.  I don't think that we have to start from scratch.  Even though the language applies to special ed law, I think we need to start throwing around the term "free appropriate public education".  That's what schools are supposed to provide too students, and all the special ed laws are aimed at ensuring that kids with learning differences receive FAPE as well as their typical peers.

I think the new state report cards give us what we need on a silver platter.  Most districts received lower scores on adequate yearly progress for gifted kids than they did for their typical students.  Our students also have learning differences, and the state testing clearly shows that they are not receiving as good an education as their typical peers.  After all, their typical peers are learning a year's worth of material in a year,  and ours are not!

Frankly, it may take lawsuits to achieve what we want to achieve.  But I think we have a leg to stand on since we now have proof that  kids, our as a group, are not receiving as good an education as their typical peers.  Our kids also deserve to learn a year's worth of material in a year, and they deserve to have a f ree, appropriate, public education.

Deb Csikos-Vandrasik

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!

----- Reply message -----
From: "Bohland, Mark" <mbohland at mvcsd.us>
Date: Sun, Sep 8, 2013 6:14 am
Subject: [Ohiogift] "How'd they do that?!!!" RE: GIFTED SERVICES IN OHIO: ONE GIANT LEAP BACKWARDS
To: "Ohiogift at lists.service.ohio-state.edu" <Ohiogift at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>

So how did the advocates for the "special ed" kids do it back in the 60's - 80's?
How did they successfully "FIGHT" for what their students needed?
Was it letters and phone calls that finally won a mandate for service?
Or was it something else....... something more....?
Is it time to embrace whatever strategies they used so successfully?

Mark Bohland

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