[Ohiogift] Impact of Kasich veto

anngift at aol.com anngift at aol.com
Mon Jul 1 09:50:58 EDT 2013

The gifted unit and identification funding is still in the formula. What is not there is the very specific language that indicated that unit funding for coordinators would only be used for coordinators and the unit funding for gifted intervention specialists would only be used for gifted intervention specialists. It is clear that the governor's intent was to untether any ties between specific spending of gifted funds to personnel. However, the unit funding formula is still intact, which is by definition funding tied to gifted personnel. And, while watered down the subgroup accountability section still indicates that subgroup spending is to be spent on the subgroups. 

I don't think the removal of the language actually stops the ODE unit allocation process as was done in previous years. The veto just makes things very murky. I'm sure if the governor had his way he would moved the formula back to the $50 per ADM, but the governor can only delete language in a line item veto. He cannot change language. If he deleted the formula he would have decreased funding to districts, which would have caused a bigger upset. 

The bottom line is that with over 5500 pages in this bill, there were only 22 line item vetoes, and gifted children were targeted. That is a strong anti-gifted message.   





-----Original Message-----
From: Heather Cachat <heather.cachat at swcs.us>
To: anngift <anngift at aol.com>
Cc: Ohiogift <Ohiogift at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>
Sent: Mon, Jul 1, 2013 9:17 am
Subject: Re: [Ohiogift] Kasich officially decides gifted children don't matter

Ann, How will this affect kids, personnel, and districts? I want to help others understand what means (and to an extent clarify for myself).  For the next two years will districts have to support programming out of their general funds? Will there be no support for mandatory testing?

Heather Cachat
Gifted Intervention Specialist
Holt Crossing Intermediate
Twitter: http://twitter.com/HeatherCachat

<anngift at aol.com> writes:
#2 on Kasich veto list: 

gifted funding spent on gifted children. 

Not sure I have anything else to say except for that no 1 on the list was some business about spider monkeys... Yeah. 

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