[Ohiogift] NAGC news from Washington, fwd

margaretdelacy at comcast.net margaretdelacy at comcast.net
Thu Jun 27 22:21:16 EDT 2013

Capitol Hill Update 
Advocacy for Gifted Students Paying Off 
Action this week on Capitol Hill reflects the hard work over many years on the part of advocates for gifted learners. Kudos to the community! 

In the House , Representatives Polis (CO-2) and Tom Latham (Iowa-3) introduced the TALENT Act on Wednesday. The bill mirrors the bill introduced in the Senate earlier this year ( S.512 ) and would insert gifted students into key sections of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to increase attention to their needs. "Bipartisan agreement is in short supply these days, but Congressmen Polis and Latham have clearly recognized that our nation must act to stop our longstanding slide when it comes to developing our top talent and competing against global challengers," said NAGC's president, Paula Olszewski-Kubilius. Our goal now is to gather cosponsors for the legislation. Please visit the NAGC legislative update page for the latest information about the House bill and how you can help us maintain our momentum! 

In the Senate , the Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) began the process of amending the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the major federal K-12 education law. The "mark-up" kicked off with a committee rewrite of ESEA that includes provisions that support gifted students. Click here to reach NAGC's news release about the committee bill. There is still more to be done on ESEA to support gifted students. NAGC is working with our Senate supporters to strengthen the bill further, but it's clear that your voices are being heard! 
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