[Ohiogift] New book: "Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined"

Art Snyder artsnyder44 at cs.com
Fri Jun 21 16:31:58 EDT 2013


There is an extensive article - "Is Your Child Ungifted?" - on giftedness and intelligence in a new blog entry on the Scientific American website, here:


The blog is that of Scott Barry Kaufman, an adjunct assistant professor of psychology at New York University, where he teaches courses on cognitive psychology and human intelligence. The blog post essentially introduces the reader to Kaufman's new book on giftedness, Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined.

A quick look at the post and several detailed reviews on Amazon (at http://x.co/1CDOA) suggest Kaufmann has a lively take on intelligence. In the book, he "sets out to show that the way we interpret traditional metrics of intelligence is misguided. Kaufman explores the latest research in genetics and neuroscience, as well as evolutionary, developmental, social, positive, and cognitive psychology, to challenge the conventional wisdom about the childhood predictors of adult success. He reveals that there are many paths to greatness, and argues for a more holistic approach to achievement that takes into account each young person’s personal goals, individual psychology, and developmental trajectory. In so doing, he increases our appreciation for the intelligence and diverse strengths of prodigies, savants, and late bloomers, as well as those with dyslexia, autism, schizophrenia, and ADHD."

Has anyone read this book?

Best wishes,
Art Snyder

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