[Ohiogift] World Gifted--> in Louisville, Kentucky! Early bird rate expires June 10th

Wenda Sheard wendasheard at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 1 11:55:34 EDT 2013

Is anyone here attending or thinking about attending the 20th biennial conference of the World Council of Gifted and Talented Children in Louisville, Kentucky from August 10th-14th?  Reduced early bird registration rates for the World Gifted conference end on June 10th. 

SENG folks will be at the World Conference doing a full SENG Model Parenting Group training. The training will also be offered at the SENG conference in Orlando, Florida July 19-21st.  I'm excited to be attending and presenting both at World Gifted and at SENG--feel free to ask me any questions you might have.

Here's a bit from the World Gifted website: http://www.world-gifted.org/WorldConf
 World Council hosts a biennial World Conference at a major 
international city during late July or early August in odd-numbered 
years. Past conferences have been held in London, San Francisco, 
Jerusalem, Montréal, Manila, Hamburg, Salt Lake City, Sydney, The Hague,
 Toronto, Hong Kong, Seattle, Istanbul, Barcelona, Adelaide, New 
Orleans, Warwick, Vancouver, and Prague. The 2013 World Conference will 
be held in Louisville, Kentucky USA."

Wenda Sheard
P.S. I'm a former Ohiogift moderator and summer resident of Athens, Ohio. 
Here's more about me http://england.tasis.com/page.cfm?p=837
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