[Ohiogift] Heads-Up! Gifted Testimony is on March 5 at Primary and Secondary Education committee

anngift at aol.com anngift at aol.com
Tue Feb 12 09:24:34 EST 2013

Hi everyone, 

I met with the Representative Hayes, yesterday, who is the Chair of the House Finance Primary and Secondary Sub-committee. He indicated that testimony on gifted will be on March 5 beginning at 8:30 AM. I will need some folks to volunteer to testify. I need the story of gifted loses to be told as well as the story of how gifted children will continue to lose under the governor's new plan if there isn't adequate accountability for both funding and services. Accountability needs to be at the student level.  There will also be an opportunity to testify the following week for three days with open testimony. I would like to limit the number of folks testifying on March 5 to 6  - 10, and I need a mix of parents, coordinators, GIS, and children, particularly those who are no longer being served. I absolutely need someone from the Chair's area which includes parts of Licking County, and all of Perry and Coshocton County. Rep. Hayes lives in Granville. Please email me at anngift at aol.com if you can testify.

The bill language could be out as early as today. Like most budget bills, it is likely that this bill will be thousands of pages, so it will take me some time to analyze it. So please no emails asking what it all means until Friday, okay? ; ^)  I will be posting my initial analysis and an update at the end of the week. 

Hope you all are ready to contact your legislators. 

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