[Ohiogift] HB 555 and Gifted

June R. Allred-Smith jasmith at mail.gsn.k12.oh.us
Wed Jan 23 14:08:27 EST 2013

Is anyone familiar with the provison in HB 555 which permits districts to
give "additional weight" to the test score of an accelerated student, as
long as the score is proficient or higher?

My questions are:  What exactly does additonal weight mean (the weight
given for the next score level)? Must the student be identified as gifted,
or one who has only qualified for acceleration?  What credit would the
district receive if an accelerated student scores at the advanced level?

Thanks for any light you can shed!

June Allred-Smith
Ross Pike ESC
475 Western Ave., Suite E
Chillicothe, OH  45601
Phone: 740/702-3120
Fax:  740/702-3123

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