[Ohiogift] new study on frequency of math achievement

Margaret DeLacy margaretdelacy at comcast.net
Tue Aug 21 00:51:30 EDT 2012


Below is a link to, and excerpt from, a blog post from this week's Education Week.  The underlying study is a working paper that hasn't yet been peer-reviewed.  The paper costs $5.00 to download and I haven't done it yet but here's the link:


Top Math Achievers Are Spread Unevenly Across Similar Schools
By Erik Robelen on August 15, 2012 11:55 AM

Looking at more than 2,000 U.S. high schools that one might imagine are most likely to succeed based on their student demographics, a new study finds strikingly wide variations in the share of top-achieving students in mathematics. A small subset of those public schools, for example, about 4 percent, have rates of high-flyers at least three times the average for all the schools examined—with a handful as high as ten times the average.

The variation is even more pronounced for girls.....

"Our biggest finding is that schools do seem to matter a lot for high-achieving students," said Glenn Ellison, an economics professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who co-authored the study, which was published as a working paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research, based in Cambridge, Mass. "Even among schools with fairly similar demographics, we see a lot of difference in the [rates] of high-achieving students.".....


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