[Natfinwellness] HEFWA presentation-identity, culture, oppression, and financial wellness

Onaka, Michelle Michelle.Onaka at oregonstate.edu
Mon Mar 20 17:06:57 EDT 2017

Hi everyone,

I'm considering attending the Higher Education Financial Wellness Summit this summer in Minnesota and was interested in potentially putting together some sort of conference proposal around financial wellness, identity, culture, and systems of oppression. If there's someone else out there already doing this, just let me know and I can just plan to attend your presentation! Otherwise, I'm wondering if there's anyone else that may be interested in presenting with me? I don't have any real specifics on what I'd want it to look like, I just feel like there's a lot around those topics that we maybe neglect to fully consider/discuss and I'd love to spend some time at the conference having those kinds of conversations. I also tried to look into several of the financial educator certifications and didn't find that this subject was covered at all in most (maybe all?) of the programs I found. Please reply directly to me at Michelle.Onaka at oregonstate.edu<mailto:Michelle.Onaka at oregonstate.edu> if you're interested! Thanks so much.

Michelle Onaka
Michelle.Onaka at oregonstate.edu<mailto:Michelle.Onaka at oregonstate.edu>
Academic Counselor-TRiO Student Support Services
324 Waldo Hall, Oregon State University
541-737-2549 (office) 512-222-7921 (cell)

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