[Natfinwellness] Money Habitudes discussion

Syble Solomon syble at lifewise.us
Wed Sep 14 22:43:35 EDT 2016

> As the creator of Money Habitudes, I’ve enjoyed the great discussion and all the wonderful comments. Thanks! To reply to some of the recent messages …
> The cards are used at over a hundred universities for financial aid events, financial wellness programs, peer-mentoring, leadership programs, residence life and lots of academic classes (psych, social work, family and consumer sciences, etc.). They can be used one-on-one, with couples and with large and small groups/classes. Read our case studies <http://www.moneyhabitudes.com/category/case-studies/> for more info.
> I developed the Money Habitudes cards <http://shop.moneyhabitudes.com/money-habitudes-for-adults/> to be really easy to use. Just read the instructions that are on a green card in each deck. That said, the guide <http://shop.moneyhabitudes.com/products/Guide-for-Professionals.html> and DVD provide background and activities that can be helpful for facilitators. The workbook is for people to work independently, record their answers (if they don’t keep the cards) and go deeper themselves. There is a free worksheet <http://www.moneyhabitudes.com/how-to-use/downloads/> that you can download at our website and adapt. You can use the cards any way that works for you except please use the cards—don’t copy them or use the statements in some other format. They are copyrighted. Always happy to offer a webinar or come and do training for more in-depth information.

> Although you can use just one or a few decks for a quick ice-breaker, to really get the personal value and insights that can help change behavior, have a deck of cards for each person to work independently. You cannot get accurate results by dividing up one deck of cards between people. It takes 5-15 minutes to do the card sort and 15 minutes to an hour to debrief and discuss depending on how much discussion you want to have. The cards are very durable and can be reused for years. However, whenever possible, we recommend that you let people keep the cards. People often ask to keep them and they spend more time on them alone or do them with friends and significant others.  You can sell the cards. Some places have had them sponsored and we can have them branded with your logo and your sponsor’s logo.

> We have an online version and will soon have a revised version.  The new version has very affordable pricing and includes a report at the end.  The online version can be customized. If you would like to be a tester of the new version and/or get a code to try the current version, just email me and let me know. Thanks!  BTW we just relocated to Montana and have a new number:  406-361-8012.  Syble

Today's actions and attitudes determine tomorrow's options and opportunities.

Syble Solomon
LifeWise Strategies, LLC / Money Habitudes
1180A Pine Street, Hamilton, MT 59840
syble at lifewise.us

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