[Natfinwellness] financial literacy/education fairs

Mazzolini, Angela angela.mazzolini at ttu.edu
Tue Jul 26 11:20:23 EDT 2016

We have done lots of activities during our Financial Education Week that have been successful. We have decorated ceramic piggy banks, we play a big board game that we created and have students spin a prize wheel, we have a pig suit that someone on staff dresses in and the university students come and take pictures, we have done a photo booth, and we have also left a board up all week for students to respond to the question: What does MONEY mean to you? During America Saves week we encourage students to make savings pledges. During our university's Diversity Week we had students post  or respond to Money Stereotypes on our bulletin board.

None of these activities can be considered financial education or increasing literacy. However, they do raise awareness about our program and about the need to start money conversations on campus.  Please feel free to email me directly at angela.mazzolini at ttu.edu if you have specific questions.


Angela Mazzolini, MA, AFC®
Program Director, Red to Black Peer Financial Coaching
Center for Campus Life 
Texas Tech University

Student Union Building | Room 201
Box 45014 | Lubbock, Texas 79409-5014
T 806-742-9781 | F 806-742-0138  

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