[Mvapich-discuss] Segmentation fault if MPI_Finalize is called without freeing objects with attributes attached

Giordano, Mose m.giordano at ucl.ac.uk
Tue Jan 17 11:19:05 EST 2023

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Dear Hari,

I compiled MVAPICH 2.3.7 with your patch and I can confirm the test case provided by Simon doesn't result in a segmentation fault anymore.  The MPI.jl test suite doesn't result in any segmentation faults either.  Thanks a lot!

Tangentially related, I wanted to slightly speed up compilation of MVAPICH 2.3.7 and disabled Fortran and C++ bindings with `--disable-fortran --disable-cxx`, because for these tests I only need the C API, but this results in errors like

../../libtool: line 1734: no: command not found
../../libtool: line 1734: no: command not found
../../libtool: line 1734: no: command not found

during compilation.  The problem is the same as https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/pmodels/mpich/pull/4382__;!!KGKeukY!xSUTquB7nCQ69FB9Qc_ll2EA-EEh8SBTle5ItN3OufM7RRxBMYhnj71wep3XYLtVt2xdvDLjSrRTPOXkdJaLDIPJYna79Kuk$ : you shouldn't override CXX.  I see `configure.ac` has been already updated in MVAPICH 3 to match MPICH `configure.ac`, but if the 2.x series is still maintained you may want to apply the same patch there, otherwise `--disable-cxx` will be unusable.


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