[Mvapich-discuss] Question on shared memory communication

zhiting zhu zhitingz at cs.utexas.edu
Fri Apr 7 19:57:54 EDT 2023


I'm a new user of the MPI lib. I have a few questions.

- I notice that in the feature page for shared memory communication,
there're two options: Shared-Memory-CH3 and Shared-Memory-Nemesis. The
descriptions are exactly the same. What's the difference between these two?
I find that in the documentation MV2_USE_SHMEM_COLL applies to OFA-IB-CH3
and OFA-iWARP-CH3. It seems I have to use shared-memory-ch3?

FFLAGS="-w -fallow-argument-mismatch -O2" ../configure
--with-device=ch3:mrail --disable-shared

- I found a description on what nemesis is:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mcs.anl.gov/uploads/cels/papers/TM-292.pdf__;!!KGKeukY!x9GebWlzOwJDIaxL9-bETHPm371fheTuZHtVSJ15G3kugdUOeEYmtRp9BpmzRGMtI9WUiPHAwYNL56dSdR9oXMi1td2HJ6HR$  Is there any
documentation about the shared memory algorithms used in ch3:mrail? I'm
looking for the case that doesn't use CMA/XPMEM/LiMiC.

- I also found the paper: Design and Evaluation of Shared Memory
CommunicationBenchmarks on Emerging Architectures using MVAPICH2
Is any of these designs incorporated in the MVAPICH2? I'm trying to look at
the high level api mentioned in this paper(msg_enqueue/codemsg_dequeue) but
I find nothing.

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