[Mvapich-discuss] Compiling / Instalation without osu-benchmark

Tscheuschner Joachim Joachim.Tscheuschner at dwd.de
Thu Dec 2 10:51:29 EST 2021

Hello Nat,

thank you for the fast reply.
./configure --disable-cxx --disable-fortran --prefix=${prefix_build}/ --enable-g=none
did not work. I need to compile also cxx, otherwise the compiling (make) aborts at the OMB-stage, see errormessage_osu.txt. (For my understanding OMB needs mpicxx)
./configure --disable-fortran --enable-g=none --prefix=${prefix_build}/ 
Is working. In the attachment, mvapich_debian10_Dockerfile.txt, I have put the container-build as almost a minimal setup, although packages will be removed. The compile-ability of the container can be removed  by e.g. multistaging (copying only parts of the binaries), but I do not like this kind of solution. But, if there is no obvious mistake on my part, we will use it, as the first tests are very promising. In the end the image will be somewhat bigger.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Shineman, Nat <shineman.5 at osu.edu> 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 1. Dezember 2021 19:28
An: Tscheuschner Joachim <Joachim.Tscheuschner at dwd.de>
Cc: mvapich-discuss at lists.osu.edu; Panda, Dhabaleswar <panda at cse.ohio-state.edu>; Subramoni, Hari <subramoni.1 at osu.edu>
Betreff: Re: Compiling / Instalation without osu-benchmark


Thanks for reaching out to us. First off, we would recommend mvapich2-2.3.6 for your use case. mv2-virt is very old and has not been updated for some time. Using a debian based container should be fine. Everything will compile normally from within the container, just ensure that you have GNU Autotools installed.  

Unfortunately, at this time we do not have a configure time flag for disabling the OMB suite. We will look into adding support for this in our upcoming 2.3.7 release. For the time being we can suggest a workaround. When you run make install​ though you should see all of the OMB binaries in a directory called libexec​ in your mvapich2 installation directory. If you are installing it in the default location (/usr) you will see a directory /usr/libexec/osu-micro-benchmarks​, in my experience it is typically around 3MB. You can delete this directory to remove the installed binaries from your system. This will have no impact on the rest of the library's functionality.

Regarding the other disable options: running ./configure --help​ will list all of the configuration options available to you. You are correct that --disable-fortran​ is one way to reduce the installation size. Likewise you can use --disable-cxx​ to disable C++ bindings if you only wish to have C libraries installed. However, there is no option for "disable all" as many of the enable/disable flags are used to determine feature sets within the library and not actual binaries. Please ensure that you set --enable-g=none​ (which should be default) to remove all debugging symbols and reduce size. Other than that, just avoiding enabling additional features should yield the smallest libraries possible. 

Please let us know if you have any trouble with the installation or if the compiled libraries are still too large and we can see what can be done. 




From: Mvapich-discuss <mvapich-discuss-bounces+shineman.5=osu.edu at lists.osu.edu> on behalf of Tscheuschner Joachim via Mvapich-discuss <mvapich-discuss at lists.osu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 08:34
To: 'mvapich-discuss at lists.osu.edu' <mvapich-discuss at lists.osu.edu>
Subject: [Mvapich-discuss] Compiling / Instalation without osu-benchmark 

we want to use containers for a cloud-project. To minimize the container-size &ability, we would like to disable for some, the benchmark-test and compiling ability. Could you give us a recommendation to do so?

We would like to use a debian-version(instead of centos) in the container.

As far as I understood with <--disable-x> the compiling ability can be reduced, e.g. <--disable-fortran> for fortran. Is there an option to disable all? What is the option to disable the osu-benchmarks?
Would you recommend the package <MV2-virt-2.2> or <MV2-2.3.6> for any cloud? 

Joachim Tscheuschner
Mvapich-discuss mailing list
Mvapich-discuss at lists.osu.edu
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