[mvapich-discuss] selecting from multiple ethernet interfaces (TCP)

Kenny, Joseph P jpkenny at sandia.gov
Sat Jun 6 17:35:53 EDT 2020

Hari – this bounced the first time I attempted to send it.  CC’ing you in case it happens again.


I’m trying to do some testing of RoCE vs TCP using mvapich2-2.3.2 (patched for TCP compile-time bug with patch from discussion list).  No problems with RoCE at the moment, but the nodes have multiple ethernet interfaces and all of my tcp traffic is going over our 10G eth0 vs  our 100G eth2 interface despite my many efforts.  I am using the hostnames for the 100G interfaces in my host file and I have tried the “-iface eth2” argument to mpirun.  Still no luck – according to ifconfig counters my traffic is still going over eth0.

With openmpi I would use “-mca btl_base_verbose 100” to get some helpful debug output, is there an mvapich2 equivalent?

How do I get TCP traffic to go over the desired interface?

I am using a vlan on eth2, but I don’t expect that to be contributing to this issue.


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