[mvapich-discuss] Error in initializing MVAPICH2 ptmalloc library with mpi4py

Jonatan Martín martin at ice.csic.es
Mon Dec 14 10:58:42 EST 2020


I'm trying to run a Python code with mvapich2 2.3.5 with multiple nodes,
but I get the following warning:

WARNING: Error in initializing MVAPICH2 ptmalloc library. Continuing
without InfiniBand registration cache support.

The execution goes on, but with poor performance. I've read in another
discussion (
that this issue was supposed to be solved in the version 2.2. I wanted to
ask if this issue was already solved or it is really a problem with the
configuration of mvapich2 in the cluster I'm using. Can you confirm this?

Also it is stated that you can modify the variables "MV2_VBUF_TOTAL_SIZE"
and "MV2_IBA_EAGER_THRESHOLD" to get better performance, but I'm not sure
how to tune these variables. What's the maximum recommended size you can
use there? Or how do you know the optimal size?

Thank you very much and regards,

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