[mvapich-discuss] need help:my install are segmentation fault

Subramoni, Hari subramoni.1 at osu.edu
Fri Jul 26 22:17:44 EDT 2019


Sorry to hear that you are facing issues. Could you please let us know the following information.

1.       How are you launching the program? Since MVAPICH2 was built for SLURM, you should be launching it with srun

2.       Do you have a back trace of the failure (setting MV2_DEBUG_SHOW_BACKTRACE=2 should print a backtrace).

3.       How many processes, processes per node/nodes are there in your run?

4.       What version of IMB are you using?


From: mvapich-discuss-bounces at cse.ohio-state.edu On Behalf Of Yi Huizhan
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 10:50 PM
To: mvapich-discuss at cse.ohio-state.edu <mvapich-discuss at mailman.cse.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: [mvapich-discuss] need help:my install are segmentation fault

I have install mvapich 2.3.1 /2.2 with intel 2019, but the mpi compiled imb reports sementation fault.
my conf
../mvapich2-2.3.1/configure --with-device=ch3:mrail --with-rdma=gen2 -prefix=/public1/soft/mvapich2/2.3.1-pmi1 --with-pmi=pmi1 --with-pm=slurm --disable-umad --with-ib-include=/usr/include/infiniband --with-ib-libpath=/usr/lib64 --enable-threads=single --enable-cxx --enable-f77 --enable-fc --enable-romio --with-ch3-rank-bits=32 --without-mpe --without-hwloc --disable-rdma-cm --disable-mcast --with-atomic-primitives=no --disable-fuse --enable-registration-cache --enable-smpcoll CC=icc CXX=icpc FC=ifort F77=ifort

the OFED version

[deploy at ln2%cstc9 build-mvapich2-2.3.1-pmi]$ ibstat
CA 'mlx4_0'
        CA type: MT4099
        Number of ports: 1
        Firmware version: 2.42.5000
        Hardware version: 1
        Node GUID: 0xf4521403000ba410
        System image GUID: 0xf4521403000ba413
        Port 1:
                State: Active
                Physical state: LinkUp
                Rate: 56
                Base lid: 18
                LMC: 0
                SM lid: 1
                Capability mask: 0x02514868
                Port GUID: 0xf4521403000ba411
                Link layer: InfiniBand
[deploy at ln2%cstc9 build-mvapich2-2.3.1-pmi]$ ibstatus
Infiniband device 'mlx4_0' port 1 status:
        default gid:     fe80:0000:0000:0000:f452:1403:000b:a411
        base lid:        0x12
        sm lid:          0x1
        state:           4: ACTIVE
        phys state:      5: LinkUp
        rate:            56 Gb/sec (4X FDR)
        link_layer:      InfiniBand

CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)

when I submited a task compiled by the mpi, it just give sementation fault.

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