[mvapich-discuss] Performance difference in MPI_Allreduce calls betweem MVAPICH2-GDR and OpenMPI

Yussuf Ali yussuf.ali at jaea.go.jp
Tue Jan 22 20:12:30 EST 2019

Dear MVAPICH developers and users,


in our software we noticed a performance degradation in the MPI_Allreduce
calls when using MVAPICH-GDR compared to OpenMPI. 

The software (Krylov solver) runs several iterations and in each iteration
data is reduced two times using MPI_Allreduce. 

The send and receive buffers are both allocated as device memory on the GPU.
We measured the total time of the MPI_Allreduce calls.


16 GPU case (V100)



1. MPI_Allreduce :  0.27 seconds

2. MPI_Allreduce:  1.9 seconds



1. MPI_Allreduce: 0.10 seconds

2. MPI_Allreduce; 0.19 seconds


The data sizes are:

1. MPI_Allreduce: 720 byte

2. MPI_Allreduce: 1,160 byte


Are there any parameters to tune the MPI_Allreduce performance in


Thank you for your help,


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