[mvapich-discuss] Announcing the release of MVAPICH2 2.3 GA and OMB 5.4.3

Subramoni, Hari subramoni.1 at osu.edu
Mon Jul 23 17:44:43 EDT 2018

The MVAPICH team is pleased to announce the release of MVAPICH2 2.3 GA and
OSU Micro-Benchmarks (OMB) 5.4.3.

Features and enhancements for MVAPICH2 2.3 GA are as follows:

* Features and Enhancements (since 2.2 GA):
    - Based on MPICH v3.2.1
    - Enhanced small message performance for MPI_Alltoallv
    - Improve performance for host-based transfers when CUDA is enabled
    - Add architecture detection for IBM POWER9 CPUs
                - Add point-to-point and collective tuning for IBM POWER9 CPUs
    - Enhance architecture detection for Intel Skylake CPUs
    - Enhance MPI initialization to gracefully handle RDMA_CM failures
    - Improve algorithm selection of several collectives
    - Enhance detection of number and IP addresses of IB devices
    - Enhanced performance for Allreduce, Reduce_scatter_block, Allgather,
      Allgatherv through new algorithms
        - Thanks to Danielle Sikich and Adam Moody @ LLNL for the patch
    - Enhance support for MPI_T PVARs and CVARs
    - Improved job startup time for OFA-IB-CH3, PSM-CH3, and PSM2-CH3
    - Support to automatically detect IP address of IB/RoCE interfaces when
      RDMA_CM is enabled without relying on mv2.conf file
    - Enhance HCA detection to handle cases where node has both IB and RoCE HCAs
    - Automatically detect and use maximum supported MTU by the HCA
    - Added logic to detect heterogeneous CPU/HFI configurations in PSM-CH3 and
      PSM2-CH3 channels
        - Thanks to Matias Cabral at Intel for the report
    - Enhanced intra-node and inter-node tuning for PSM-CH3 and PSM2-CH3
    - Enhanced HFI selection logic for systems with multiple Omni-Path HFIs
    - Enhanced tuning and architecture detection for OpenPOWER, Intel Skylake
      and Cavium ARM (ThunderX) systems
    - Added 'SPREAD', 'BUNCH', and 'SCATTER' binding options for hybrid CPU
      binding policy
    - Added support for MV2_SHOW_CPU_BINDING to display number of OMP threads
    - Enhance performance of point-to-point operations for CH3-Gen2 (InfiniBand),
      CH3-PSM, and CH3-PSM2 (Omni-Path) channels
    - Improve performance for MPI-3 RMA operations
    - Introduce support for Cavium ARM (ThunderX) systems
    - Improve support for process to core mapping on many-core systems
        - New environment variable MV2_THREADS_BINDING_POLICY for
          multi-threaded MPI and MPI+OpenMP applications
        - Support `linear' and `compact' placement of threads
        - Warn user if oversubcription of core is detected
    - Improve launch time for large-scale jobs with mpirun_rsh
    - Add support for non-blocking Allreduce using Mellanox SHARP
    - Efficient support for different Intel Knight's Landing (KNL) models
    - Improve performance for Intra- and Inter-node communication for OpenPOWER
    - Improve support for large processes per node and hugepages on SMP systems
    - Enhance collective tuning for Intel Knight's Landing and Intel Omni-Path
      based systems
    - Enhance collective tuning for Bebop at ANL, Bridges at PSC, and Stampede2 at TACC
                - Enhanced collective tuning for IBM POWER8, Intel Skylake, Intel KNL, Intel
      Broadwell architectures
    - Enhance large message intra-node performance with CH3-IB-Gen2 channel on
      Intel Knight's Landing
    - Enhance support for MPI_T PVARs and CVARs
    - Based on and ABI compatible with MPICH 3.2
    - Support collective offload using Mellanox's SHArP for Allreduce
        - Enhance tuning framework for Allreduce using SHArP
    - Introduce capability to run MPI jobs across multiple InfiniBand subnets
    - Introduce basic support for executing MPI jobs in Singularity
    - Enhance collective tuning for Intel Knight's Landing and Intel Omni-path
    - Enhance process mapping support for multi-threaded MPI applications
        - Introduce MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY=hybrid
        - Introduce MV2_THREADS_PER_PROCESS
    - On-demand connection management for PSM-CH3 and PSM2-CH3 channels
    - Enhance PSM-CH3 and PSM2-CH3 job startup to use non-blocking PMI calls
    - Enhance debugging support for PSM-CH3 and PSM2-CH3 channels
    - Improve performance of architecture detection
    - Introduce run time parameter MV2_SHOW_HCA_BINDING to show process to HCA
    - Enhance MV2_SHOW_CPU_BINDING to enable display of CPU bindings on all
    - Deprecate OFA-IB-Nemesis channel
    - Update to hwloc version 1.11.9
    - Tested with CLANG v5.0.0

* Bug Fixes (since 2.2 GA):
    - Fix issues in CH3-TCP/IP channel
    - Fix build and runtime issues with CUDA support
    - Fix error when XRC and RoCE were enabled at the same time
    - Fix issue with XRC connection establishment
    - Fix for failure at finalize seen on iWARP enabled devices
    - Fix issue with MPI_IN_PLACE-based communcation in MPI_Reduce and
    - Fix issue with allocating large number of shared memory based MPI3-RMA
    - Fix failure in mpirun_rsh with large number of nodes
    - Fix singleton initialization issue with SLURM/PMI2 and PSM/Omni-Path
        - Thanks to Adam Moody @LLNL for the report
    - Fix build failure with when enabling GPFS support in ROMIO
        - Thanks to Doug Johnson @OHTech for the report
    - Fix issues with architecture detection in PSM-CH3 and PSM2-CH3 channels
    - Fix failures with CMA read at very large message sizes
    - Fix faiures with MV2_SHOW_HCA_BINDING on single-node jobs
    - Fix issue in autogen step with duplicate error messages
    - Fix issue with XRC connection establishment
    - Fix build issue with SLES 15 and Perl 5.26.1
        - Thanks to Matias A Cabral @Intel for the report and patch
    - Fix segfault when manually selecting collective algorithms
    - Fix cleanup of preallocated RDMA_FP regions at RDMA_CM finalize
    - Fix issue with RDMA_CM in multi-rail scenario
    - Fix issues in nullpscw RMA test.
    - Fix issue with reduce and allreduce algorithms for large message sizes
    - Fix hang issue in hydra when no SLURM environment is present
        - Thanks to Vaibhav Sundriyal for the report
    - Fix issue to test Fortran KIND with FFLAGS
        - Thanks to Rob Latham at mcs.anl.gov for the patch
    - Fix issue in parsing environment variables
    - Fix issue in displaying process to HCA binding
    - Enhance CPU binding logic to handle vendor specific core mappings
    - Fix issue with bcast algorithm selection
    - Fix issue with large message transfers using CMA
    - Fix issue in Scatter and Gather with large messages
    - Fix tuning tables for various collectives
    - Fix issue with launching single-process MPI jobs
    - Fix compilation error in the CH3-TCP/IP channel
        - Thanks to Isaac Carroll at Lightfleet for the patch
    - Fix issue with memory barrier instructions on ARM
        - Thanks to Pavel (Pasha) Shamis at ARM for reporting the issue
    - Fix issue with ring startup in multi-rail systems
    - Fix startup issue with SLURM and PMI-1
        - Thanks to Manuel Rodriguez for the report
    - Fix startup issue caused by fix for bash `shellshock' bug
    - Fix issue with very large messages in PSM
    - Fix issue with singleton jobs and PMI-2
        - Thanks to Adam T. Moody at LLNL for the report
    - Fix incorrect reporting of non-existing files with Luster ADIO
        - Thanks to Wei Kang at NWU for the report
    - Fix hang in MPI_Probe
        - Thanks to John Westlund at Intel for the report
    - Fix issue while setting affinity with Torque Cgroups
        - Thanks to Doug Johnson at OSC for the report
    - Fix runtime errors observed when running MVAPICH2 on aarch64 platforms
        - Thanks to Sreenidhi Bharathkar Ramesh at Broadcom for posting
          the original patch
        - Thanks to Michal Schmidt at RedHat for reposting it
    - Fix failure in mv2_show_cpu_affinity with affinity disabled
        - Thanks to Carlos Rosales-Fernandez at TACC for the report
    - Fix mpirun_rsh error when running short-lived non-MPI jobs
        - Thanks to Kevin Manalo at OSC for the report
    - Fix comment and spelling mistake
        - Thanks to Maksym Planeta for the report
    - Ignore cpusets and cgroups that may have been set by resource manager
        - Thanks to Adam T. Moody at LLNL for the report and the patch
    - Fix reduce tuning table entry for 2ppn 2node
    - Fix compilation issues due to inline keyword with GCC 5 and newer
    - Fix compilation warnings and memory leaks

New features, enhancements and bug fixes for OSU Micro-Benchmarks
(OMB) 5.4.3 are listed here.

* Bug Fixes
    - Fix buffer overflow in osu_reduce_scatter
        - Thanks to Matias A Cabral @Intel for reporting the issue and patch
        - Thanks to Gilles Gouaillardet for creating the patch
    - Fix buffer overflow in one sided tests
        - Thanks to John Byrne @HPE for reporting this issue
    - Fix buffer overflow in multi threaded latency test
    - Fix issues with freeing buffers for one-sided tests
    - Fix issues with freeing buffers for CUDA-enabled tests
    - Fix warning messages for benchmarks that do not support CUDA and/or
      Managed memory
        - Thanks to Carl Ponder at NVIDIA for reporting this issue
    - Fix compilation warnings

For downloading MVAPICH2 2.3 GA, OSU Micro-Benchmarks (OMB) 5.4.3, associated user guides,
quick start guide, and accessing the SVN, please visit the following URL:


All questions, feedback, bug reports, hints for performance tuning,
patches and enhancements are welcome. Please post it to the
mvapich-discuss mailing list (mvapich-discuss at cse.ohio-state.edu).


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