[mvapich-discuss] no cma

Geof Sawaya geof.sawaya at oculus.com
Wed May 24 16:52:54 EDT 2017

Hey Hari --

Thanks for your response.

I know that I can work around, but I'm worried about losing out on bonus performance.

Can you provide some hints as to why my system wouldn't support this feature?

Thanks -- Geof

On 05/24/2017 05:57 AM, Hari Subramoni wrote:

It looks like cma was available on the system where mvapich2 was built but it's not available on the system it is being run on.

This is not a blocker. You can just set the environment variable as the error message suggests and proceed.


On May 24, 2017 7:52 AM, "Geof Sawaya" <geof.sawaya at oculus.com<mailto:geof.sawaya at oculus.com>> wrote:
[MPIDI_CH3I_SMP_init] CMA is not available. Set MV2_SMP_USE_CMA=0 to disable CMA.

: (

Why is that?

uname -r

Thanks for your help

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