[mvapich-discuss] mvapich2 Connection to Self Rejected

Melissa Romanus melissa.romanus at rutgers.edu
Mon May 1 16:28:30 EDT 2017

Hi All,

First, apologies if you received this twice, I incorrectly sent it to
discuss at mpich.org first before I was directed here.

I am writing to ask for some help with mvapich2 on SDSC Comet. I am using
the intel compilers with mvapich2. The scheduling system on Comet is slurm.
It seems like the code is seg-faulting inside of MPI_Comm_dup, but prior to
that, it seems like it is rejecting a connection request to “self” (i.e.,
same IP to same IP).

The modules loaded are:

$ module list

Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) intel/2013_sp1.2.144   2) mvapich2_ib/2.1        3) gnutools/2.69

I am attempting to use the ib0 interface to create the InfiniBand
connections. They are manually created in one of my programs, because I am
running the lowest level RDMA transfer commands.

In my job script, I am launching 3 different applications. I am *not* using
slurm --multi-prog, because I cannot share an MPI communicator. I am
instead using 3 different srun commands in a single job script.
Unfortunately, there’s no flexibility in the manner in which I launch my

Using OpenMPI, I can set the MCA parameters to allow connections from self
at the byte-transfer layer, i.e., OMPI_MCA_btl="self,openib" and specify to
slurm that I would like to use --mpi=pmi2. The specific error is of the
following format: Connection Rejected peer# 0 ( to peer# 0

After reading through some old mailing lists, I think I want the
--with-device=ch3:nemesis:ib command in some capacity, but I’m not sure if
that would be enough to allow the connection from the node to itself. Is
the self connection inherently a TCP connection? When using mvapich2, I
still attempt to use srun and I do not specify the --mpi option. I tried
using mpiexec.hydra explicitly as well, but that was also a problem.

Any of the backtraces I obtain seem to indicate the problem is happening at
the MPI level. I even tried just putting a barrier after acquiring the
nodename, and this crashes out too at the Barrier call.

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
  int         rank, nprocs;
  MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nprocs);

  char nodename[256];
  int nodename_length;
  MPI_Get_processor_name(nodename, &nodename_length );
  printf("%s:I am rank %d of %d\n",nodename, rank, nprocs);


When this occurs, I seem to encounter the problem described in the FAQ
where all ranks get rank 0, nprocs=1 (according to the printf).

However, I suspect that it is related to the fact that the node cannot form
a communication with itself. Is there a way to tell mvapich to allow the
self connection, as you can with OpenMPI?

If you suspect this is not the reason for my errors, please let me know. I
can provide more specific details of my run and errors. Any help you can
provide is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
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