[mvapich-discuss] Memory limit problem

Luis Cebamanos l.cebamanos at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Fri Aug 4 11:25:32 EDT 2017

Dear MVAPICH team,

I have been running the MPI Collective benchmarks and I am sorry to say
that I am facing the memory limit problem for 2GB values.
The following works
mpiexec_mpt -n 36 -ppn 36 osu_gather  -m 1048576 -M 2147483647

but this doesn't
mpiexec_mpt -n 36 -ppn 36 osu_gather  -m 1048576 -M 2147483648

Requested memory limit too low, using [1048576] instead.Requested memory
limit too low, using [1048576] instead.

I am using version 5.3.2 which CHANGES file include:

* New Features & Enhancements
    - Allow specifying very large message sizes (>2GB) for collective benchmarks

I hope this helps.


Luis Cebamanos

HPC Applications Consultant
EPCC, Edinburgh
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