[mvapich-discuss] mvapich2/2.2 optimization for Intel omni-path?

Jung chulwoo at quark.phy.bnl.gov
Tue Nov 8 14:03:49 EST 2016

We recently acquired a KNL system with dual Omni-path and are trying to 
find a way to saturate network bandwidth. Usual, although somewhat 
suboptimal, stragegy of using multiple MPI per node doesn't seem to work, 
as the intranode bandwidth is only similar to inter-node bandwith for 
MPI_Isend and receive.

MVAPICH2 2.2 feature list inculdes optimized inter- and intra-node 
communication for KNL. Can someone comment on the performance of Omni-path 
with KNL and/or pointers for optimizing them?


Chulwoo Jung
Physics Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
chulwoo at bnl.gov

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