[mvapich-discuss] Homogeneity

Julius Kolbe kolbe at sra.uni-hannover.de
Mon May 9 09:31:32 EDT 2016

Hi everyone,

I am working on my master thesis using MVAPICH2.
One part of my work is to find out if and to what degree the cluster is 
During my research I found this: 
which sounds like the MVAPICH2 already does what I want to achieve.
But I need to have further information about how MVAPICH2 does this 
detection. I searched through the codebase but couldn't find the place 
where this is done. Or at least couldn't recognize it when I saw it.

Can someone please point me to the right point and perhaps even give me 
a quick summary on what is done there?
Also I'd like to get the result of this detection. I found some printing 
methods where this was part, but I don't know how to get this 
information. Is there a specific verbosity or environment variable I 
need to set?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Julius Kolbe

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