[mvapich-discuss] Diagnosing Slow MVAPICH2 Startup

Thompson, Matt (GSFC-610.1)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC] matthew.thompson at nasa.gov
Tue Jan 12 09:21:47 EST 2016


Every so often on a cluster here at NASA Goddard I like to see how 
different MPI stacks size up in startup time. The test I use (rightly or 
wrongly) is a slightly old, multi-MPI-version-aware version of ziatest 
(like that seen here 
but mine doesn't have the 100MB bit).

Using it, I run a series of tests (timings averages over 10 runs) on 
28-core Haswell nodes from 8 to 256 nodes. If we look at, for example, 
16 nodes, MVAPICH2 is about 4x slower:

Intel MPI 2009.29 ± 218.23 µs
SGI MPT 2.12:        1337.88 ±  99.62 µs
Open MPI 1.10.0:     1937.89 ± 163.66 µs

MVAPICH2 2.1rc1:     8575.81 ± 862.41 µs
MVAPICH2 2.2b_aa:    7998.25 ± 116.06 µs
MVAPICH2 2.2b_bb:    8175.28 ± 608.01 µs
MVAPICH2 2.2b_cc:    8422.5  ± 928.19 µs

For the MVAPICH2 tests, I use mpirun_rsh as the launcher. The 
"subscripts" are: aa is no environment set, bb is MV2_ENABLE_AFFINITY=0 
(there was a warning so I tried its advice), and cc is 
MV2_ENABLE_AFFINITY=0 plus MV2_USE_SHMEM_COLL=0 based on maybe trying 

As you can see, MVAPICH2 seems to be a slow starter, and it stays that 
way at the high end too, though not as bad at 256 nodes[1]:

Intel MPI  2841.19 ±  566.81 µs
SGI MPT 2.12:        10961.4  ± 1070.88 µs
Open MPI 1.10.0:      8959.72 ±  244.46 µs

MVAPICH2 2.1rc1:     16099    ± 1035.97 µs
MVAPICH2 2.2b_aa:    16570.7  ± 2089.64 µs
MVAPICH2 2.2b_bb:    16197.3  ± 1414.67 µs
MVAPICH2 2.2b_cc:    16358    ± 1123.69 µs

Now the cluster I'm running is SLURM 14-based (I think) so I can't yet 
have the admins try out the PMIx patch I see on your download page (as 
it seems to be SLURM 15 versioned). I'd imagine that could possibly 
help, right?

Still, I'm thinking it could be something as basic as a need to build 
differently or perhaps a needed environment variable?


[1] Note, not sure why Intel MPI is doing so well. I'm thinking my test 
and Intel MPI might be magically missing some interaction the others are 

Matt Thompson, SSAI, Sr Scientific Programmer/Analyst
NASA GSFC,    Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
Code 610.1,  8800 Greenbelt Rd,  Greenbelt,  MD 20771
Phone: 301-614-6712                 Fax: 301-614-6246

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