[mvapich-discuss] Multiple PMI exchange for hostname, wrong node_id

Nenad Vukicevic nenad at intrepid.com
Wed Feb 24 11:58:28 EST 2016

I am running MVAPICH 2.2b on the Fedora FC23 IB cluster.  While running
some accumulate tests I started getting segmentation faults in
'MPIDI_Fetch_and_op()' that are related to this line:

338         (win_ptr->create_flavor == MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_SHARED |
339         (win_ptr->shm_allocated == TRUE && orig_vc->node_id ==
340     {
341         mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_Shm_fop_op(origin_addr, result_addr,
342                                           target_rank, target_disp, op,
343         if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
344     }

It turned out that node_id for orig_vc and target_vc are the same, even
though these ranks are running on separate nodes.  I have 4 nodes and 5
ranks, and rank 4 was instantiated on node 0, while the code above had
node_id equal 3, which made it try to access shared space via shared

While further debugging the issue I noticed that thee are two places in the
initialization code where hostname is being exchanged and 'node_id' set:

1499 int MPIDI_Populate_vc_node_ids(MPIDI_PG_t *pg, int our_pg_rank)

1363 int MPIDI_Get_local_host(MPIDI_PG_t *pg, int our_pg_rank)

The first procedure above sets the node_id correctly, the second one does
not.  If I comment out line 1444 in the same file, I am able to pass the

1444         // pg->vct[i].node_id = g_num_nodes - 1;

Note that the second procedure is called only if "#if
defined(CHANNEL_MRAIL) || defined(CHANNEL_PSM)" and I am now wondering if I
have the right configuration.  While configuring mvapich I did not add any
specific channel configuration, thinking that it will configure what is the
best out of the box.

I can provide some mpirun logs that show multiple hostname exchanges.

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