[mvapich-discuss] mvapich2 slow with default mapping

Götz Waschk goetz.waschk at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 10:11:12 EDT 2016

Dear Mvapich2 experts,

I'm currently evaluating OpenHPC packages, including mvapich2 2.1.
I've tested the speed using the Intel MPI benchmarks and I have
noticed, that the first benchmark PingPong is behaving differently
when run with 16 cores vs. 2 cores, although only two cores are in use
and the remaining processes simply wait. The full results are in
OpenHPC's issue tracker on github:

As you can see there, the configuration change to set these variables helped:

export MV2_CPU_MAPPING=0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7

I still wonder why they have such an influence and the default setting
isn't sufficient here.

Götz Waschk

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