[mvapich-discuss] RDMA FAST PATH

Hoang-Vu Dang dang.hvu at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 14:14:18 EDT 2016

I'm testing mvapich2 version 2.1 with and without fast-path but I do not
see any different in performance.

The document said the environment variable is MV2_RDMA_USE_FAST_PATH

I set it to 0 and the performance remains identify (osu_latency).

On the other hand, when I set the MV2_RDMA_FAST_PATH_BUF_SIZE=0 I got an

src/mpid/ch3/channels/mrail/src/gen2/ibv_priv.c at line 118:
(rdma_fp_buffer_size * num_rdma_buffer)>0

When I set MV2_RDMA_FAST_PATH_BUF_SIZE=16 it works but performance is
slower significantly.

My question is, what is the proper way to disable RDMA FAST PATH and use
the send/recv eager protocol ?

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