[mvapich-discuss] INAM and PhantomJS

Auld, Russell G CSC russell.auld at pw.utc.com
Fri Apr 1 14:23:12 EDT 2016

The installation instructions are a little confusing regarding the command-line options to the inam binary.
The argument to the "-c" option and the "-f" option are confusingly similar (osu-inamd.conf vs osu-inam.conf)

It looks like the argument supplied to the "-f" option is written to by the daemon process; However later in the instructions, in the section regarding PhantomJS, it says to place the options in the "osu-inam.conf" file, but that doesn't seem possible since it gets overwritten by the daemon.

Or does that content go in some other "osu-inam.conf" file?


Russell Auld

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